Sherpaa Health Review

Why We Like Them
Sherpaa is a concierge telemedicine provider that specializes in customized health care. It strives to keep patients from wasting too much time at the doctor’s office while offering each patient a team of doctors that are motivated by patient satisfaction — not insurance billing codes.
Sherpaa Health Prices
Conditions Treated
Erectile DysfunctionCompare Treatments
Best Hair Loss TreatmentsCompare Treatments
Stop SmokingCompare Treatments
DepressionCompare Treatments
AnxietyCompare Treatments
AddictionCompare Treatments
LGBTQ (Personal Struggles)Compare Treatments
Acid Reflux & GERDCompare Treatments
AcneCompare Treatments
ADHD/ADDCompare Treatments
AllergiesCompare Treatments
AnorexiaCompare Treatments
AphasiaCompare Treatments
AsthmaCompare Treatments
Back PainCompare Treatments
BipolarCompare Treatments
Birth Control OptionsCompare Treatments
BronchitisCompare Treatments
Bug BitesCompare Treatments
BulimiaCompare Treatments
BursitisCompare Treatments
Carpal TunnelCompare Treatments
Celiac DiseaseCompare Treatments
CellulitisCompare Treatments
ChlamydiaCompare Treatments
Cold SoreCompare Treatments
ConcussionCompare Treatments
ConfusionCompare Treatments
Crohns DiseaseCompare Treatments
DermatitisCompare Treatments
DiabetesCompare Treatments
DiarrheaCompare Treatments
Drug AddictionCompare Treatments
DysarthriaCompare Treatments
DyspareuniaCompare Treatments
DysphoniaCompare Treatments
Ear PainCompare Treatments
EczemaCompare Treatments
EmphysemaCompare Treatments
EndometriosisCompare Treatments
FibromyalgiaCompare Treatments
FluCompare Treatments
Foot PainCompare Treatments
Genital HerpesCompare Treatments
Golfers ElbowCompare Treatments
GoutCompare Treatments
HeadacheCompare Treatments
Heart HealthCompare Treatments
Hot Flashes & Night SweatsCompare Treatments
HPV/Genital WartsCompare Treatments
HypothyroidismCompare Treatments
IncontinenceCompare Treatments
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)Compare Treatments
Knee PainCompare Treatments
KyphosisCompare Treatments
Life TransitionsCompare Treatments
Lyme DiseaseCompare Treatments
MalariaCompare Treatments
MastitisCompare Treatments
MeaslesCompare Treatments
MenopauseCompare Treatments
MigrainesCompare Treatments
Moles & WartsCompare Treatments
Multiple SclerosisCompare Treatments
NarcolepsyCompare Treatments
Neck PainCompare Treatments
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (O.C.D.)Compare Treatments
OsteoarthritisCompare Treatments
Panic AttacksCompare Treatments
Pelvic PainCompare Treatments
Pink EyeCompare Treatments
Plantar FasciitisCompare Treatments
Poison Ivy & Poison OakCompare Treatments
Postpartum DepressionCompare Treatments
Premenstrual SyndromeCompare Treatments
PsoriasisCompare Treatments
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.)Compare Treatments
RashesCompare Treatments
Restless LegCompare Treatments
RosaceaCompare Treatments
Runners KneeCompare Treatments
Scar ConditionCompare Treatments
SclerodermaCompare Treatments
ScoliosisCompare Treatments
ShinglesCompare Treatments
Sinus InfectionCompare Treatments
SnoringCompare Treatments
Sore ThroatCompare Treatments
Sexually-Transmitted InfectionsCompare Treatments
Stomach FluCompare Treatments
Strep ThroatCompare Treatments
StutteringCompare Treatments
ThrushCompare Treatments
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)Compare Treatments
VertigoCompare Treatments
VulvodyniaCompare Treatments
Vulvovaginal AtrophyCompare Treatments
Weight ManagementCompare Treatments
Wrinkle PreventionCompare Treatments
AromatherapyCompare Treatments
Essential OilsCompare Treatments
Testosterone SupportCompare Treatments
GriefCompare Treatments
TraumaCompare Treatments
Teen CounselingCompare Treatments
Telemedicine AbortionCompare Treatments
Eyelashes (Longer/Thicker/Fuller)Compare Treatments
Low Sex DriveCompare Treatments
HeartburnCompare Treatments
High CholesterolCompare Treatments
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)Compare Treatments
Premature EjaculationCompare Treatments
Hot Flashes from MenopauseCompare Treatments
Mental Health ConcernsCompare Treatments
Fertility/InfertilityCompare Treatments
Influenza or FluCompare Treatments
DandruffCompare Treatments
Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)Compare Treatments
StressCompare Treatments
Bone HealthCompare Treatments
Prostate HealthCompare Treatments
Vaginal DrynessCompare Treatments
Sleep (Poor sleep/Insomnia)Compare Treatments
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)Compare Treatments
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (P.M.D.D.)Compare Treatments
Nerve Pain (Peripheral Neuropathy)Compare Treatments
Sleep Apnea (Obstructive)Compare Treatments
UlcersCompare Treatments
Goiter (Enlarged Thyroid Gland)Compare Treatments
Sherpaa Company Overview
This virtual health care provider allows you to talk, video, or chat with doctors via an app. You don’t need to make an appointment. Simply sign up for a monthly or annual plan, and you’ll get a team of doctors that will diagnose your symptoms, provide virtual annual checkups, and answer all your questions.
Pay one flat fee for all the above services — no insurance plan required — and no copays or deductibles — hallelujah!
Sherpaa has also recently partnered with Crossover Health to provide in-person care when virtual care simply isn’t enough. Crossover provides primary care, behavioral health, optometry, health coaching, physical medicine, and acupuncture services in the following cities:
- San Francisco CA
- Shoreline, CA
- San Tomas, CA
- Mathilda, CA
- North First, CA
- New York, NY
- Las Colinas, TX
- Spring, TX
Is Sherpaa Right For You?
Sherpaa has found its niche in the healthcare industry. It has helped thousands of patients over seven years and caters to people who want to avoid:
- Ridgid health insurance policies and murky billing
- Making unnecessary appointments for doctors’ office visits
- Spending an hour in a waiting room for a 10-minute doctor’s appointment
- Surprise bills at the end of a visit or series of visits
- Paying for unnecessary treatments as the result of insurance billing incentives for doctors
- Turning to Google for symptom diagnosis
Sherpaa may be the right online doctor for you if you want to:
- Chat with a doctor ASAP
- Get a team of doctors at your disposal — day or night
- Experience a seamless medical process that keeps all your records in one place
- Chat with doctors and specialists on the best preventative and urgent care options
Is Sherpaa Credible?
Did you know that 80% of a typical diagnosis can be done verbally or via photos or video? Most of the diagnosis comes from your medical history and symptoms. Doctors then form a hypothesis that is often then confirmed by a physical exam, imaging, or blood test. The imaging and blood work are all done in a lab — separate from your doctor’s office.
Sherpaa cuts out the middleman by allowing you to do most of the ‘work’ in an exam at home. No more schlepping back and forth from a doctor’s office to a lab and back home.
Doctors on the platform work exclusively online for Sherpaa; they aren’t randos with free-time on their hands (yes, ‘randos’ is a very technical medical term). Your doctors work together as a team to create the best plan for you.
All Sherpaa doctors:
- Are trained at renowned institutions
- Have more than 10 years of post-residency experience
- Are highly empathetic and have an excellent bedside manner
- Have proven they care about pushing healthcare into the future — not making money or treading water
These providers are located all over the United States. Sherpaa rates potential doctors on a 30-point scale before hiring them. Customer service associates and board members track ratings and client feedback to ensure all doctors are a good fit for the platform over time.
Sherpaa also refers patients to local doctors when necessary; in-network doctors and facilities, as well as specialists, have been thoroughly vetted by the platform.
Often, conversations in doctors’ offices can be rushed, as most in-person visits are under 15 minutes. Sherpaa offers a higher quality of care by offering ample time (anytime, day or night) to chat with your doctor team.
All your records are kept in the app to ensure your virtual team and your in-person team has all the information they need to keep you healthy.
Sherpaa also takes privacy and security very seriously. The platform’s tech is HIPAA-compliant; data and data transmission is encrypted. Users must enter a password and/or use Apple TouchID before opening the app.
Healthcare Conditions Treated by Sherpaa
Sherpaa happens to be an online doctor. But just because your doctor isn’t in the same room as you, doesn’t mean you can’t get over 1,500 ailments treated. Just some of the conditions and symptoms treated by Sherpaa include:
- Abdominal pain
- Acne
- Allergic reactions
- Allergies
- Rashes
- Missed period
- Animal bites
- Ankle injuries
- Anus problems
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Arm numbness
- Asthma
- Back injuries
- Bacterial vaginosis
- Birth control refills
- Black stools
- Bloody urine
- Body piercing issues
- Breast lumps
- Bruising
- Chest pain
- Cold symptoms
- Contact dermatitis
- Cuts
- Depression
- Diarrhea
- Ear infections
- Elbow pain
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Eye infections
- Eye injuries
- Fainting
- Fast heartbeat
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Finger injuries
- Flu symptoms
- Food allergies
- Food poisoning
- Foot injuries
- Foot rashes
- Genital herpes
- Genital lesions
- Gluten allergies
- Groin pain
- Hair loss
- Hand injuries
- Headaches
- Head injuries
- Hearing loss
- Heartburn
- Heat exhaustion
- Hemorrhoids
- Herpes
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Hip pain
- Hives
- Human bites
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypothyroidism
- Infections
- Insect bites
- Insomnia
- Itching
- Itchy scalp
- Jock itch
- Knee injuries
- Low back pain
- Lumps in neck
- Pelvic-area lumps
- Lung infections
- Menstrual problems
- Migraines
- Missed birth control pills
- Mouth ulcers
- Nausea & vomiting
- Neck injuries
- Neck pain
- Nipple issues
- Painful urination in men
- Painful urination in women
- Penis sores
- Potential appendicitis
- Potential blood clots
- Potential HIV exposure
- Potential pregnancy
- Rashes
- Rib injuries
- Ringing ears
- Scabies
- Seasonal allergies
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Shortness of breath
- Shoulder injuries
- Sinus problems
- Skin Infections
- Sleep apnea
- Slow heartbeat
- Sore throat
- Styes
- Swollen testicle
- Testicular pain
- Urinary tract infections
- Vaginal discharge
- Vomiting
- Women’s health issues
- Wrist injuries
In addition to treating the above symptoms and conditions, Sherpaa can also write prescriptions. Common prescriptions include:
- Antibiotics
- Birth control
- Erectile dysfunction medications (Viagra and Cialis)
- Hair-loss medications (Rogaine and Propecia)
- Heartburn medications (Zantac and Prilosec)
- High cholesterol medications (Lipitor, Crestor, Zocor, and Pravachol)
- PrEP for HIV prevention
- Valtrex for herpes
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, there’s more. Sherpaa doctors can also order imaging and lab tests including:
- Cholesterol
- Food sensitivity
- HbA1c for diabetes
- Metabolism
- Testosterone
- Thyroid
- Vitamin D
How Does Sherpaa Work?
To start using Sherpaa:
- Join for a month or a year
- Launch the mobile app and log in to your account
- Fill out a little info on your medical history
- Answer more in-depth medical history questions from a doctor
- Find out what you can do to keep your health in check
- Order lab tests through Sherpaa’s platform (if necessary)
- Get results and treatment plans
Once you’ve signed up for a plan (more about plans later), Sherpaa is super easy to use.
How to Use Sherpaa for Symptoms
After your initial intake, you can log into the Sherpaa app to chat with a doctor about symptoms as they arise. Simply:
- Create a ‘concern’
- Describe your symptoms
- Message with your doctors via text, photos, phone, or video
- Get treatment options in as little as 10 minutes!
On the app, your doctor can see all your photos and data from physical exams as well as labs and imaging tests.
Get an Annual Check-Up
Sherpaa doctors are even qualified to perform your annual checkup — online! The U.S., Canada, and Britain don't recommend annual physical exams. Yet, Sherpaa doctors believe that keeping in touch with a doctor on an annual basis is still one of the best ways to stay healthy.
After answering a few questions, your doctor may order tests, such as cholesterol or blood pressure tests). That’s really all it takes to stay healthy year after year.
Sherpaa Does NOT treat Some Conditions
Sadly, Sherpaa is not the all-seeing, all-knowing oracle. You’ll still need to head into a doctor’s office from time-to-time. Just some of the things this online platform can’t do or treat include:
- Physical exams
- Some minor primary care procedures (burning off warts)
- Prescribe controlled substances (pain killers, Xanax, ADHD meds)
- In-office (CLIA-waived) tests
- UTI or rapid strep tests*
- Be in the same room as patients (which not as important as many people think)
- Bill health insurance for coverage
*Many tests, such as UTI or rapid strep tests, are sold at major pharmacies, such as Walgreens — no doctor’s office necessary for this one!
Pricing: How Much Does Sherpaa Cost?
Sherpaa charges one monthly or annual fee for its services — without hidden fees or surprises.
Unlimited online care for one month: $99.00
- Average two-hour response times
- Get prescriptions and test right in the app
- Includes all check-ins
Basic annual plan: $500 a year
- 30-minute response time
- 24/7, 365-day care
- Prescriptions within the app
- Tests and results within the app
- Hand-picked, local specialist referrals
- Second opinions
Plus annual plan: $800 a year
Everything included in basic plus a direct doctor phone number
Extra annual plan: $1,200 a year
Everything included in basic and plus plans as well as:
- Specialist appointment scheduling
- Video intake appointment
- Annual video preventive visits
- Personalized prevention plans
You can pay for Sherpaa fees with an HSA or FSA account, but the platform doesn’t take insurance.
That’s because insurers generally don’t cover new and different procedures — or texting between patients and doctors. Doctors that take insurance are also only able to offer a menu of services, represented by federally-defined billing codes. It takes nearly 15 years to get a new billing code approved. Also, doctors who take insurance are often incentivized to bill as much as humanly possible for a visit (which doesn’t really fit into Sherpaa’s idea of healthcare).
Sherpaa has created a platform that includes everything — not everything except this, this, and that. Which is both the short and long way to say, “This platform doesn’t take insurance. Period.”
What Do We Think About Sherpaa?
We’ve been waiting our whole life to find a doctor’s office that’s as ethical and honest as Sherpaa. We love this platform’s dedication to finding solutions to patient problems and doing its part to disrupt a broken healthcare system. We appreciate that Sherpaa places customer satisfaction at the top of its must-haves list when it comes to hiring and monitoring doctors. We also appreciate that doctors only recommend in-office treatment if absolutely necessary.
If you’re tired of getting billed for unnecessary doctors’ visits and only getting a few minutes of face-time with your healthcare provider, give Sherpaa a try.