Parsley Health Review

Why We Like Them
Parsley Health offers a whole-body, holistic approach to healthcare, integrating personalized nutrition, exercise, and supplement programs into each patient’s treatment plan. Doctors and nutritionists work together — both online and in-person — to help patients relieve symptoms of chronic illness.
Parsley Health Prices
Conditions Treated
Erectile DysfunctionCompare Treatments
Best Hair Loss TreatmentsCompare Treatments
Stop SmokingCompare Treatments
DepressionCompare Treatments
AnxietyCompare Treatments
AddictionCompare Treatments
LGBTQ (Personal Struggles)Compare Treatments
Acid Reflux & GERDCompare Treatments
AcneCompare Treatments
ADHD/ADDCompare Treatments
AllergiesCompare Treatments
AnorexiaCompare Treatments
AphasiaCompare Treatments
AsthmaCompare Treatments
Back PainCompare Treatments
BipolarCompare Treatments
Birth Control OptionsCompare Treatments
BronchitisCompare Treatments
Bug BitesCompare Treatments
BulimiaCompare Treatments
BursitisCompare Treatments
Carpal TunnelCompare Treatments
Celiac DiseaseCompare Treatments
CellulitisCompare Treatments
ChlamydiaCompare Treatments
Cold SoreCompare Treatments
ConcussionCompare Treatments
ConfusionCompare Treatments
Crohns DiseaseCompare Treatments
DermatitisCompare Treatments
DiabetesCompare Treatments
DiarrheaCompare Treatments
Drug AddictionCompare Treatments
DysarthriaCompare Treatments
DyspareuniaCompare Treatments
DysphoniaCompare Treatments
Ear PainCompare Treatments
EczemaCompare Treatments
EmphysemaCompare Treatments
EndometriosisCompare Treatments
FibromyalgiaCompare Treatments
FluCompare Treatments
Foot PainCompare Treatments
Genital HerpesCompare Treatments
Golfers ElbowCompare Treatments
GoutCompare Treatments
HeadacheCompare Treatments
Heart HealthCompare Treatments
Hot Flashes & Night SweatsCompare Treatments
HPV/Genital WartsCompare Treatments
HypothyroidismCompare Treatments
IncontinenceCompare Treatments
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)Compare Treatments
Knee PainCompare Treatments
KyphosisCompare Treatments
Life TransitionsCompare Treatments
Lyme DiseaseCompare Treatments
MalariaCompare Treatments
MastitisCompare Treatments
MeaslesCompare Treatments
MenopauseCompare Treatments
MigrainesCompare Treatments
Moles & WartsCompare Treatments
Multiple SclerosisCompare Treatments
NarcolepsyCompare Treatments
Neck PainCompare Treatments
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (O.C.D.)Compare Treatments
OsteoarthritisCompare Treatments
Panic AttacksCompare Treatments
Pelvic PainCompare Treatments
Pink EyeCompare Treatments
Plantar FasciitisCompare Treatments
Poison Ivy & Poison OakCompare Treatments
Postpartum DepressionCompare Treatments
Premenstrual SyndromeCompare Treatments
PsoriasisCompare Treatments
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.)Compare Treatments
RashesCompare Treatments
Restless LegCompare Treatments
RosaceaCompare Treatments
Runners KneeCompare Treatments
Scar ConditionCompare Treatments
SclerodermaCompare Treatments
ScoliosisCompare Treatments
ShinglesCompare Treatments
Sinus InfectionCompare Treatments
SnoringCompare Treatments
Sore ThroatCompare Treatments
Sexually-Transmitted InfectionsCompare Treatments
Stomach FluCompare Treatments
Strep ThroatCompare Treatments
StutteringCompare Treatments
ThrushCompare Treatments
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)Compare Treatments
VertigoCompare Treatments
VulvodyniaCompare Treatments
Vulvovaginal AtrophyCompare Treatments
Weight ManagementCompare Treatments
Wrinkle PreventionCompare Treatments
AromatherapyCompare Treatments
Essential OilsCompare Treatments
Testosterone SupportCompare Treatments
GriefCompare Treatments
TraumaCompare Treatments
Teen CounselingCompare Treatments
Telemedicine AbortionCompare Treatments
Eyelashes (Longer/Thicker/Fuller)Compare Treatments
Low Sex DriveCompare Treatments
HeartburnCompare Treatments
High CholesterolCompare Treatments
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)Compare Treatments
Premature EjaculationCompare Treatments
Hot Flashes from MenopauseCompare Treatments
Mental Health ConcernsCompare Treatments
Fertility/InfertilityCompare Treatments
Influenza or FluCompare Treatments
DandruffCompare Treatments
Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)Compare Treatments
StressCompare Treatments
Bone HealthCompare Treatments
Prostate HealthCompare Treatments
Vaginal DrynessCompare Treatments
Sleep (Poor sleep/Insomnia)Compare Treatments
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)Compare Treatments
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (P.M.D.D.)Compare Treatments
Nerve Pain (Peripheral Neuropathy)Compare Treatments
Sleep Apnea (Obstructive)Compare Treatments
UlcersCompare Treatments
Goiter (Enlarged Thyroid Gland)Compare Treatments
Need A Primary Care PhysicianCompare Treatments
Parsley Health Company Overview
This online/in-person medical practice aims to reduce chronic illnesses — which are totally reversible and plague six out of ten American adults. The platform utilizes a combination of holistic and functional medicine and infuses both with a data-driven, research-backed approach and cutting-edge tech. It uses advanced testing and in-depth sessions with doctors to analyze every symptom.
After securing $26 million in funding in 2019, the platform was able to expand its online services to 45 states.
In a Parsley Health review, Forbes wrote, “To get a feel for the Parsley Health experience, take the most depressing stereotypes you have about going to the doctor…and flip them.”
According to Parsley, it has helped improve 90% of patients’ chronic symptoms. When it comes to bedside manner, this platform considers customer service the most important factor. Its motto? Customers — not doctors — first.
Doctors and nutritionists analyze patients’ nutrition, stress levels, and lifestyles to offer holistic treatment plans.
The first appointment lasts around 75 minutes. Considering the fact that most people only spend around 20 minutes with their doctors per year, Parsley patients are spending more than three times the average annual amount within the first in-person session alone. Within the first year, Parsley patients spend (on average) five hours with their doctors total.
Is Parsley Health Right For You?
Parsley Health offers an in-depth look at every patient’s symptoms. Instead of prescribing medications for symptoms and saying, “Call me in the morning,” Parsley doctors dive a bit deeper into patients’ medical history and recommend lifestyle changes.
Parsley Health was designed for women who:
- Suffer from reversible chronic conditions
- Don’t feel heard by traditional doctors
- Want an online/in-person hybrid approach
- Need fertility support with blood tests, herbs, diet, and detoxification recommendations
- Experience hormone imbalances, such as PMS, PCOS, and menopause symptoms
- Need bioidentical hormone support and therapy
- Want antibiotics, antifungals, and natural options for infections
- Crave more than one primary care visit each year
- Need more than 10 minutes with a doctor
- Want a holistic approach to healthcare
- Are tired of doctors solving healthcare problems with prescriptions
- Have ever felt unheard or ignored at a doctor’s office
- Don’t need their symptoms or treatment options ‘mansplained’ to them
- Understands that holistic care can also be high-tech
In-person care centers are available for patients who live in:
- Los Angeles
- San Francisco
Online services are available currently in 45 U.S. states and counting. Many Parsley clinics are located inside WeWork, making scheduling an in-person appointment that much easier for the co-working crew.
Is Parsley Health Credible?
Founded in 2016 by Dr. Robin Berzin MD, a leader in functional medicine, Parsley Health takes a holistic approach to healthcare. It combines digital health, functional medicine, nutrition, and prevention.
Dr. Berzin is a Columbia-trained doctor, graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Pennsylvania, and trained in internal medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.
Parsley Health hires board-certified doctors, nutritionists, and health coaches that have trained in functional medicine and biomarker testing; the platform is known for its data-backed procedures and integration of technology with healthcare.
All doctors are experienced in family and internal medicine, are tech-savvy, and born leaders. Doctors are expected to collaborate with researchers and spend one-fifth of their time brainstorming big-picture problems. They only see between six and eight patients a day, four days a week.
Parsley doctors are also certified in either integrative medicine or functional medicine. The platform also offers doctors an eight-week fellowship in clinical mentorship. They are licensed and have two or more years of post-residency clinic practice.
While the medical professionals here are just that — professional — they are also some of the most personable doctors you’ll ever meet. Parsley Health reviews mention that doctors make pop culture references, wear street clothes instead of scrubs, and never ask ‘surface’ questions. Instead, they dig deeper. From your daily social interactions to your daily routine, no stone is left unturned.
Considering a University of Florida study discovered that doctors only allow patients 11 seconds to explain the reason for a visit before interrupting, a doctor who is willing to dig deep is kind of a big deal.
The platform is HIPAA compliant and does not sell, share, or exchange any personal information, including the results of microbiome testing.
Healthcare Conditions Treated by Parsley Health
Parsley treats a long list of symptoms and conditions, ranging from chronic health problems to one-and-done issues. Specializing in women’s health, lifestyle disruptors, and autoimmune diseases, Parsley doctors and coaches work together to ensure your health goals are crushed. From gut health to mental health, Parsley doctors have you covered.
So many women are simply ‘used to getting by,’ they don’t remember what it feels like to actually be healthy. Parsley intake forms even ask if you’re happy with your sex life — and doctors can prescribe treatments to help you get that answer to a resounding ‘yes!’
Just some of the healthcare conditions treated by parsley health include:
- Anxiety
- Asthma
- Bacterial overgrowth
- Autoimmune diseases
- Diabetes
- Fatigue
- Fertility
- Flu
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Heart disease
- Hormone imbalances
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypothyroidism
- Infertility
- Libido issues
- Mental health
- Pediatric health
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- Postpartum depression
- Pregnancy testing
- Prescription drugs for antibiotics
- Prescriptions for antifungals
- Seasonal affective disorder
- Sexual health issues
- Stress
- Thyroid
- Vitamin, nutrient, and mineral deficiencies
Doctors take a holistic approach to patient care at Parsley. When symptoms arise, you don’t just get a prescription — your doctors get to the bottom of your troubles. How many times have your symptoms persisted even after your treatment ended? Instead of prescribing medications for migraines, cramps, insomnia, and chronic pain, Parsley doctors find out the root cause of the problem and treat the source, not the symptom.
How Parsley Health Works
Parsley Health makes it easy to connect with your doctors, check out your lab results, contact your health coaches, and book visits right from the app. Make an online appointment, or visit one of the three in-person clinics.
To get started with Parsley, simply:
- Create a health profile and share health history including genetic, diet, family, social, and mental health histories.
- Make an appointment with an online or in-person doctor (if you want to see a doctor in-person at any time, the first appointment must be booked at a Parsley clinic).
- Get your advanced biomarker, blood type, and biome testing.
- Log on to the app to get your personalized health plan, including nutrition, supplements, exercise, and sleep programs.
- Track your progress through the app, message with doctors and coaches 24 hours a day, and get positive feedback.
- Exceed your health goals!
The first appointment is dubbed Comprehensive Hormone Care. This treatment plan helps women balance hormones that lead to anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, PCOS, PMG, and weight gain. Doctors work with patients to find the cause of these issues and suggest lifestyle changes to balance hormones.
Parsley Health Does NOT treat Some Conditions
Parsley Health goes above and beyond to treat medical and chronic healthcare conditions. Its doctors ask questions most primary care physicians don’t, and doctors specialize in family and internal medicine.
Yet, Parsley doesn’t treat everything. In fact, the platform recommends all patients maintain a primary care provider outside of the platform to handle urgent care services and other issues.
Even though doctors here specialize in preventative medicine and holistic treatments, they understand that sometimes there just is no substitution for surgery and invasive care. In these cases, Parsley will recommend a specialist for treatments and remain in constant contact regarding ongoing care.
Just some of the services Parsley does not offer include:
- Age-related screenings
- Blood work*
- Colonoscopies
- Laboratory tests*
- Health insurance
- Mammograms
- Medical emergencies
- Medications*
- Non-medical services recommended by parsley (such as acupuncture or fitness classes)
- OBGYN for regular pap smears
- Strep or flu testing
- Supplements
- Urgent care services
- Vaccinations
*While Parsley Health can order blood work and lab tests, this online/in-person doctor hybrid does not administer them; these tests are not included in the price of membership fees. Parsley doctors can prescribe medications, but all prescriptions must be purchased at a pharmacy and aren’t covered by membership fees. We recommend a service like GoodRx for discount medications.
Parsley also isn't health insurance and doesn’t replace health insurance. The platform recommends purchasing health insurance as it doesn’t meet the Affordable Care Act requirement that all U.S. citizens purchase health insurance.
Pricing: How Much Does Parsley Health Cost?
Parsley offers three simple plans and price points to keep its healthcare program as simple and stress-free as possible. After all, stress reduction is one of the areas its doctors and experts specialize in!
Parsley offers:
- No visit copays
- Out-of-network reimbursement
- Replaces Primary Care
Virtual Check-Up: $95 each (billed once)
If you want a hassle-free way to update your health plan, Parsley offers a virtual check-up that costs $95. Each virtual check-up includes:
- 30-minute doctor visit
- Symptom evaluation
- COVID-19 screening
- Personal health plan
- Parsley community access
Complete Care: $150 per month billed monthly
Complete care memberships are for patients who need a little extra care. Complete care gives patients access to virtual and in-person doctors, 365 days a year. Members can make appointments with doctors and health coaches.
Complete care memberships include:
- 12 months of care
- In-person or online video appointments
- Advanced biomarker testing
- 7-part health plan
- 5 doctor visits (in person or online)
- 5 health coach visits (online)
- Unlimited messaging
Premium Care: $250 per month (billed monthly)
Parsley’s premium care plan offers everything the complete care program does — and it adds an extra three doctor’s visits and three health coach visits.
Premium care memberships include:
- 12 months of care
- Advanced biomarker testing
- 7-part health plan
- 8 doctor visits (in person or online)
- 8 health coach visits (online)
- Unlimited messaging
All plans can be paid for with an FSA or HSA. Some health insurance providers may cover Parsley as an out-of-network provider and may get up to 70% of membership fees reimbursed.
With some plans, Parsley also offers one month of free services to give online/in-person healthcare providers a try.
What Do We Think About Parsley Health?
Parsley Health has pinpointed a hole in the healthcare market that has been an issue for decades: women’s healthcare. This women-focused platform understands that patients (especially female patients) often feel rushed at the doctor’s office and rarely get enough time to speak candidly with their primary care provider.
Many symptoms and conditions that plague women more than men are consistently overlooked. From fibromyalgia to chronic PMS, doctors have seemingly glossed over conditions that women suffer from. Parsley has filled that hole and more.
In addition to the long list of symptoms this platform treats, Parsley Health reviews often mention the stylish offices and doctors’ attention to details. And when it comes to high-end healthcare, details matter. Doctors on this platform claim they have been able to reverse 80% of chronic conditions they treat.
We love Parsley’s excellent customer service reviews. Its varying levels of membership are affordable, and its pricing is so streamlined and transparent, we can’t imagine any confusion over coverage.
Many reviewers do wish that Parsley had a wider selection of primary care offerings so they could ditch their traditional primary care providers altogether.
Yet, if you’re looking for a more in-depth, holistic approach to women’s healthcare, sign up for one of Parsley Health’s affordable plans, start reversing your chronic conditions, and upgrade your health.