Forward Healthcare Review

Why We Like Them
Forward is a data-driven online exam room, primary care provider, and nutritionist. It offers patients an in-depth analysis of their health symptoms, conditions, and projections. Using only the latest technology, doctors analyze biometrics, labs, and symptoms to suggest lifestyle changes and holistic treatment programs.
Forward Healthcare Prices
Conditions Treated
Erectile DysfunctionCompare Treatments
Best Hair Loss TreatmentsCompare Treatments
Stop SmokingCompare Treatments
DepressionCompare Treatments
AnxietyCompare Treatments
AddictionCompare Treatments
LGBTQ (Personal Struggles)Compare Treatments
Acid Reflux & GERDCompare Treatments
AcneCompare Treatments
ADHD/ADDCompare Treatments
AllergiesCompare Treatments
AnorexiaCompare Treatments
AphasiaCompare Treatments
AsthmaCompare Treatments
Back PainCompare Treatments
BipolarCompare Treatments
Birth Control OptionsCompare Treatments
BronchitisCompare Treatments
Bug BitesCompare Treatments
BulimiaCompare Treatments
BursitisCompare Treatments
Carpal TunnelCompare Treatments
Celiac DiseaseCompare Treatments
CellulitisCompare Treatments
ChlamydiaCompare Treatments
Cold SoreCompare Treatments
ConcussionCompare Treatments
ConfusionCompare Treatments
Crohns DiseaseCompare Treatments
DermatitisCompare Treatments
DiabetesCompare Treatments
DiarrheaCompare Treatments
Drug AddictionCompare Treatments
DysarthriaCompare Treatments
DyspareuniaCompare Treatments
DysphoniaCompare Treatments
Ear PainCompare Treatments
EczemaCompare Treatments
EmphysemaCompare Treatments
EndometriosisCompare Treatments
FibromyalgiaCompare Treatments
FluCompare Treatments
Foot PainCompare Treatments
Genital HerpesCompare Treatments
Golfers ElbowCompare Treatments
GoutCompare Treatments
HeadacheCompare Treatments
Heart HealthCompare Treatments
Hot Flashes & Night SweatsCompare Treatments
HPV/Genital WartsCompare Treatments
HypothyroidismCompare Treatments
IncontinenceCompare Treatments
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)Compare Treatments
Knee PainCompare Treatments
KyphosisCompare Treatments
Life TransitionsCompare Treatments
Lyme DiseaseCompare Treatments
MalariaCompare Treatments
MastitisCompare Treatments
MeaslesCompare Treatments
MenopauseCompare Treatments
MigrainesCompare Treatments
Moles & WartsCompare Treatments
Multiple SclerosisCompare Treatments
NarcolepsyCompare Treatments
Neck PainCompare Treatments
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (O.C.D.)Compare Treatments
OsteoarthritisCompare Treatments
Panic AttacksCompare Treatments
Pelvic PainCompare Treatments
Pink EyeCompare Treatments
Plantar FasciitisCompare Treatments
Poison Ivy & Poison OakCompare Treatments
Postpartum DepressionCompare Treatments
Premenstrual SyndromeCompare Treatments
PsoriasisCompare Treatments
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.)Compare Treatments
RashesCompare Treatments
Restless LegCompare Treatments
RosaceaCompare Treatments
Runners KneeCompare Treatments
Scar ConditionCompare Treatments
SclerodermaCompare Treatments
ScoliosisCompare Treatments
ShinglesCompare Treatments
Sinus InfectionCompare Treatments
SnoringCompare Treatments
Sore ThroatCompare Treatments
Sexually-Transmitted InfectionsCompare Treatments
Stomach FluCompare Treatments
Strep ThroatCompare Treatments
StutteringCompare Treatments
ThrushCompare Treatments
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)Compare Treatments
VertigoCompare Treatments
VulvodyniaCompare Treatments
Vulvovaginal AtrophyCompare Treatments
Weight ManagementCompare Treatments
Wrinkle PreventionCompare Treatments
AromatherapyCompare Treatments
Essential OilsCompare Treatments
Testosterone SupportCompare Treatments
GriefCompare Treatments
TraumaCompare Treatments
Teen CounselingCompare Treatments
Telemedicine AbortionCompare Treatments
Eyelashes (Longer/Thicker/Fuller)Compare Treatments
Low Sex DriveCompare Treatments
HeartburnCompare Treatments
High CholesterolCompare Treatments
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)Compare Treatments
Premature EjaculationCompare Treatments
Hot Flashes from MenopauseCompare Treatments
Mental Health ConcernsCompare Treatments
Fertility/InfertilityCompare Treatments
Influenza or FluCompare Treatments
DandruffCompare Treatments
Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)Compare Treatments
StressCompare Treatments
Bone HealthCompare Treatments
Prostate HealthCompare Treatments
Vaginal DrynessCompare Treatments
Sleep (Poor sleep/Insomnia)Compare Treatments
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)Compare Treatments
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (P.M.D.D.)Compare Treatments
Nerve Pain (Peripheral Neuropathy)Compare Treatments
Sleep Apnea (Obstructive)Compare Treatments
UlcersCompare Treatments
Goiter (Enlarged Thyroid Gland)Compare Treatments
Forward Healthcare Company Overview
Founded by Google special projects guru Adrian Aoun, GoForward is a concierge healthcare provider that utilizes tech and gadgets (such as body scanners, labs, and biometric readings) to provide patients with a more accurate health picture.
It was created after Aoun realized his doctor was still utilizing antiquated health recording methods (clipboards, sticky notes, outdated software, and medical devices straight out of the 1970s). He also noticed that his medical bills were similar to that of the downpayment on his home.
He set out to provide immersive virtual doctor visits that include health insights, goals, and projections that are recorded in an app. Patients can take metrics at home and share them with their doctors. Healthcare professionals can provide treatments and nutritional plans. Prescriptions are mailed, ensuring treatment plans aren’t interrupted by trips to the pharmacy — or a pandemic for that matter.
Patients can make either in-person or virtual appointments. Most biometric tests are mailed to a home address and recorded by the patient. The app schedules at-home lab visits.
The app is available on the Apple store and on Google Play.
Is Forward Healthcare Right For You?
Forward was designed to give patients a more holistic view of their health concerns. Using genetic testing, lifestyle analysis, and common labs, this online primary care provider treats a long list of symptoms and specializes in preventative care.
Forward is for anyone who:
- Wants at-home quality primary care
- Doesn’t want to drive to the doctor’s office
- Is tired of spending time in waiting rooms
- Needs 24/7 messaging
- Wants to pay only one all-inclusive monthly fee
- Doesn’t already have a physician who can consult from home
- Doesn’t have the ability to accurately monitor blood pressure, lung function, and temperature at home
- Can’t get prescriptions delivered at home
- Wants COVID-19 questions answered quickly and thoroughly
- Needs to start taking proactive steps to improve or maintain immune health
- Wants regular mental health check-ins
- Is unsure of how to manage any ongoing health concerns in germy waiting rooms
- Wants a doctor that uses data-driven and real-time tools to guide decisions and plans
- Fantasizes about doctors spending time with them — not on menial tasks
- Wants to access all data in one easy-to-use app
- Desires A.I. that can predict and avoid problems before they happen — like a heart attack
- Would love to manage all this via streamlined beautiful software and hardware
- Wants quality time with doctors
- Has more questions for the doc than can be answered in 10 minutes
- Desires more collaboration with medical professionals
- Needs personalized nutrition, follow-up, and exercise goals
Forward is available on-site for residents of:
- Northern California
- Southern California
- New York
- Washington DC
Even if you don’t live in one of the above cities, you can still sign up for a Forward membership. Almost all tests can be done at home and doctors are available online, day or night.
Is Forward Healthcare Credible?
While founder and CEO Adrian Aoun is more qualified to run the tech side (he was a special projects manager at Google and CEO of Wavii), he understands the importance of hiring top doctors and elite medical board member staff to ensure patients get the best possible treatment.
Forward hires doctors and obstetricians from top universities and ivy leagues, like Harvard, Stanford, and NYU; doctors have specialized in internal and/or family medicine. In addition to the doctors, the platforms also hire top nurse practitioners to answer questions. It hires medical assistants to ensure doctors are paying attention to you — not paperwork.
Some of the schools doctors have graduated from include:
- Harvard
- Stanford
- Tulane University School of Medicine
- NYU Langone
Forward leaders are also the best of the best and have graduated from top schools.
Medical lead Dr. Nate Favini was an attending physician at UCLA and graduated from Harvard Medical School.
The medical board consists of doctors Robert Wachter, MD (University of California, San Francisco, and Stanford Medicine), Rick Lanman, MD, Daniella Hocking, MD, and Charlie Morris, MD.
Forward will never sell, share, or exchange any information and the platform encrypts all data to keep patients safe.
Healthcare Conditions Treated by Forward Healthcare
Forward treats a long list of healthcare conditions. While the platform specializes in preventative care, you can still contact your team of doctors for urgent care and symptom diagnosis. Just some of the ongoing services Forward offers include:
- Vitals monitoring
- Labs and genetic analysis
- COVID-19 testing (onsite and drive-thru) as medically necessary
- Biometrics monitoring (blood pressure, temperature and pulse oximetry)
- Blood testing (cholesterol, heart health, kidney and liver function, hemoglobin, and more)
- Genetic analysis (cancer, heart disease, diabetes)
- Skin cancer screening
- Mental health support (mental health check-ins, consults with your doctor and prescription guidance)
- Men’s health (preventive screening for prostate health, STI testing and more)
- Women's health (pap smears, pelvic exams, birth control counsel, STI testing and more)
- Vaccines (travel, seasonal and standard vaccines)
Forward also offers insights for chronic and primary care concerns. Just some of the conditions doctors treat include:
- Age-related risks
- Inherited risks
- Allergies
- Arthritis and bone health
- Autoimmune conditions
- Chronic conditions
- Cold and flu
- Colon cancer screening
- Coronary artery disease and heart disease
- Depression and anxiety
- Diabetes I, II, and pre-diabetes
- Everyday health
- Fatigue
- Headaches and dizziness
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Mental health and mindfulness
- Metabolic, liver and kidney screenings
- Muscle and joint pain
- Nutrition and exercise plans
- Preventive health
- Sexual health
- Skin cancer screening
- Skin issues
- Stomach and digestive health
- Stress management
- Substances counseling
- Thyroid disorders
- UTIs and urinary health
- Weight management
- Women’s and men’s health
First fills of medications for health conditions are included onsite and can be mailed to a patient’s home. These include:
- Allergies
- Antibiotics
- Asthma
- Blood pressure
- Cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Flu
- Generic medications
- Seasonal vaccinations
- Travel vaccinations
- Zpacks
- More
Prescriptions for recurring medications or other medications not carried onsite are simply sent to your local pharmacy — or an online pharmacy.
How Does Forward Work?
Forward specializes in ongoing care. This means that you’ll schedule appointments with your medical team at week one, week two, week three, week six, month three, month five, and month six milestones. You can also chat with doctors at any time.
Simply sign up for a forward account to get started. The team will reach out to schedule the following appointments.
Week One: Biometric Data
Get your sensor kit (thermometer, pulse oximeter, blood pressure cuff) in the mail, connect to biometric sensors, record your measurements, and go over data with your doctor.
Your body temperature tells your doctor if you have infections or autoimmune disorders. Track your blood pressure to diagnose health conditions. Check your blood oxygen levels to track respiratory health, and monitor blood pressure to prevent cardiovascular conditions. Medical records are available in the app day or night.
Week Two: Health Labs
Schedule an at-home blood draw with a lab specialist, and complete your labs at home. Get your results and find out if you have anemia, healthy kidney and liver function, high or low cholesterol, or STIs. You can also order ongoing tests for strep throat and the flu.
You’ll also get your blood sugar, electrolyte, and fluid balance levels checked. This testing can also check your metabolism and chemical balances.
Get a lipid panel to check your cholesterol profile and get a better understanding of the heart, blood vessels, and cardiovascular system.
Week Three: Personalized Health Plan
Week three is all about creating your personalized health plan during your first in-person visit to the clinic (or, you can choose an at-home visit, too). Chat about health records, concerns, and goals with your doctor (who will also explain your biometrics and lab results). Some of the topics discussed in week three include:
- Biometrics
- Labs
- Medical history
- Family history
- Physical exam
- Health improvement opportunities
- Personal health goals
- Weight loss
- Sleep quality
- Anxiety
Create goals and milestones to track in the following weeks with follow-ups and constant communication.
Week Six: Mental Health
Answer an in-app survey to gain insights on your mental health; take your anxiety and depression ‘temperature’ and chat with your doctor about your results.
Month Three: Genetics Customized Plan
Update your plan, based on your genetic markings. During a 30-minute visit, you’ll learn about your:
- Response to medications
- Personalized health risks
- Recommended screenings
- Preventative lifestyle recommendations
- Risk of developing cancer
- Risk of developing a heart condition
Get a personalized treatment plan to help prevent these conditions and lessen your risks of developing a genetic disease.
All genetic data is encrypted and private. Forward does not sell, share, or exchange your genetic information.
Month Five: Skin Cancer Risk Assessment
Get a physical skincare exam to assess your risk of skin cancer. This exam includes:
- High-definition photos of moles or discolorations
- Discussion of skin health
- Cancer-risk assessment
If you visit a dermatologist annually for a skin cancer screening, this service can replace that trip. Should you need further examination, Forward will recommend you to a specialist.
Month Seven: Nutrition Goals
Chat with your doctor about your recurring labs to develop a nutrition plan and milestone goals. This appointment includes:
- Lab review
- Nutrition plan
- Targeted results
Create long-term and short-term goals. Your doctor will recommend a diet plan based on your recurring labs. Just a few of the diet plans include:
- Intermittent fasting
- Keto
- Low carb diet
- Mediterranean
- Paleo
Your doctor may also advise smaller changes, such as lowering your red meat intake, adding protein, limiting sugar, or increasing your fiber. Your doctor will also perform ongoing check-ins regarding your diet and nutrition.
Month Six: Reassessment
Congrats! You’re at the end of month six. This is the time to talk about what’s working/what’s not working and update your plan.
From here on out, you’ll:
- Get regularly check-ins from your doctor
- Update your doctor on your progress
- Reassess your goals
- Continue asking questions
The platform messaging portal is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can get health answers in the middle of the night, get a therapist recommendation, or simply chat about symptoms.
You’ll also get frequent messages from your care team. Topics may include:
- Prescription check-ups
- Specialist record collection
- Wellness tips
- Sleep, exercise, and nutrition check-ups
Forward Healthcare Does NOT treat Some Conditions
Forward takes the time to ensure every patient has the best tools and information to lead a healthy life. Yet, not every health concern can be addressed on this platform. Just some of the conditions Forward doesn’t treat include:
- Cancer treatments (screenings are regularly offered)
- Emergency room services
- Imaging services (x-rays and MRIs)
Forward’s monthly fee doesn’t include the following services:
- Complex lab tests (such as testosterone tests)
- Emergency room care
- Specialist care
- Ongoing prescriptions
- Imaging (x-rays or MRIs)
Forward can help you negotiate the best out-of-pocket prices for elective or planned specialist or hospital visits. Your team will manage all administrative tasks such as:
- Appointment scheduling
- Care coordination
- Record transfers
- Referrals
Forward isn’t health insurance and doesn’t fulfill the Affordable Care Act health insurance requirement. That being said, you don’t need health insurance to join Forward and the platform can help you even if you’re not insured.
Pricing: How Much Does Forward Healthcare Cost?
Forward memberships cost $149/month. With this one flat membership fee you get:
- Unlimited access
- Dedicated care team
- Lifestyle adjustments
- Biometric monitoring
- No copays or unexpected bills
The platform requires a six-month commitment to ensure your health goals are met. All memberships are charged the same day each month. Since Forward doesn’t bill insurance, you’ll never get any unexpected bills from your insurance provider.
That being said, Forward works well as a complement to insurance. You can still use your insurance for specialist visits, labs, hospitalizations, and medications not covered by the platform. It’s also committed to negotiating low specialist fees and out-of-pocket costs.
Many Forward members have high-deductible health plans and coupling such a plan with a Forward membership is less expensive than opting for a high-cost health insurance plan.
You can even pay for your Forward membership with an FSA or HSA plan. You can even use your FSA or HSA card to pay for part of your membership fee and a credit card for the rest.
Forward also has a referral program; get a free month when you refer a family or friend (your referral gets a free month, too!).
What Do We Think About Forward Healthcare?
When it comes to well-thought concierge medicine, Forward knows what it’s doing. We love that nearly all services are offered virtually or at home, and we’re floored by the level of detail and health insights medical teams provide. We’re also impressed by the company’s commitment to helping both patients with and without traditional health insurance.
We believe that this level of preventative care, genetic insights, and symptom monitoring can help reduce emergency care and urgent care costs in the future. When it comes to the platform’s price, we’re also impressed with the level of service provided at one low-cost price point. We also love that doctors and administrators on the platform can coordinate specialist and emergency room care (including health record management) and even refer patients without traditional health insurance to providers with budget-friendly out-of-pocket prices.
If you’re looking to replace your primary care physician with an online/onsite doctor hybrid, we’d recommend checking out GoForward’s platform. No matter where you live in the U.S., you’ll get the same in-depth online care.