DocPanel Review

Why We Like Them
DocPanel is an online network of radiologists and specialists that can offer a more precise diagnosis. The platform is geared toward patients who need a second opinion on a diagnosis that relies on imaging or x-rays for confirmation. It also specializes in rush reports for patients with timely radiology needs or whose treatment options depend on an accurate and speedy diagnosis.
DocPanel Prices
Conditions Treated
Erectile DysfunctionCompare Treatments
Best Hair Loss TreatmentsCompare Treatments
Stop SmokingCompare Treatments
DepressionCompare Treatments
AnxietyCompare Treatments
AddictionCompare Treatments
LGBTQ (Personal Struggles)Compare Treatments
Acid Reflux & GERDCompare Treatments
AcneCompare Treatments
ADHD/ADDCompare Treatments
AllergiesCompare Treatments
AnorexiaCompare Treatments
AphasiaCompare Treatments
AsthmaCompare Treatments
Back PainCompare Treatments
BipolarCompare Treatments
Birth Control OptionsCompare Treatments
BronchitisCompare Treatments
Bug BitesCompare Treatments
BulimiaCompare Treatments
BursitisCompare Treatments
Carpal TunnelCompare Treatments
Celiac DiseaseCompare Treatments
CellulitisCompare Treatments
ChlamydiaCompare Treatments
Cold SoreCompare Treatments
ConcussionCompare Treatments
ConfusionCompare Treatments
Crohns DiseaseCompare Treatments
DermatitisCompare Treatments
DiabetesCompare Treatments
DiarrheaCompare Treatments
Drug AddictionCompare Treatments
DysarthriaCompare Treatments
DyspareuniaCompare Treatments
DysphoniaCompare Treatments
Ear PainCompare Treatments
EczemaCompare Treatments
EmphysemaCompare Treatments
EndometriosisCompare Treatments
FibromyalgiaCompare Treatments
FluCompare Treatments
Foot PainCompare Treatments
Genital HerpesCompare Treatments
Golfers ElbowCompare Treatments
GoutCompare Treatments
HeadacheCompare Treatments
Heart HealthCompare Treatments
Hot Flashes & Night SweatsCompare Treatments
HPV/Genital WartsCompare Treatments
HypothyroidismCompare Treatments
IncontinenceCompare Treatments
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)Compare Treatments
Knee PainCompare Treatments
KyphosisCompare Treatments
Life TransitionsCompare Treatments
Lyme DiseaseCompare Treatments
MalariaCompare Treatments
MastitisCompare Treatments
MeaslesCompare Treatments
MenopauseCompare Treatments
MigrainesCompare Treatments
Moles & WartsCompare Treatments
Multiple SclerosisCompare Treatments
NarcolepsyCompare Treatments
Neck PainCompare Treatments
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (O.C.D.)Compare Treatments
OsteoarthritisCompare Treatments
Panic AttacksCompare Treatments
Pelvic PainCompare Treatments
Pink EyeCompare Treatments
Plantar FasciitisCompare Treatments
Poison Ivy & Poison OakCompare Treatments
Postpartum DepressionCompare Treatments
Premenstrual SyndromeCompare Treatments
PsoriasisCompare Treatments
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.)Compare Treatments
RashesCompare Treatments
Restless LegCompare Treatments
RosaceaCompare Treatments
Runners KneeCompare Treatments
Scar ConditionCompare Treatments
SclerodermaCompare Treatments
ScoliosisCompare Treatments
ShinglesCompare Treatments
Sinus InfectionCompare Treatments
SnoringCompare Treatments
Sore ThroatCompare Treatments
Sexually-Transmitted InfectionsCompare Treatments
Stomach FluCompare Treatments
Strep ThroatCompare Treatments
StutteringCompare Treatments
ThrushCompare Treatments
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)Compare Treatments
VertigoCompare Treatments
VulvodyniaCompare Treatments
Vulvovaginal AtrophyCompare Treatments
Weight ManagementCompare Treatments
Wrinkle PreventionCompare Treatments
AromatherapyCompare Treatments
Essential OilsCompare Treatments
Testosterone SupportCompare Treatments
GriefCompare Treatments
TraumaCompare Treatments
Teen CounselingCompare Treatments
Telemedicine AbortionCompare Treatments
Eyelashes (Longer/Thicker/Fuller)Compare Treatments
Low Sex DriveCompare Treatments
HeartburnCompare Treatments
High CholesterolCompare Treatments
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)Compare Treatments
Premature EjaculationCompare Treatments
Hot Flashes from MenopauseCompare Treatments
Mental Health ConcernsCompare Treatments
Fertility/InfertilityCompare Treatments
Influenza or FluCompare Treatments
DandruffCompare Treatments
Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)Compare Treatments
StressCompare Treatments
Bone HealthCompare Treatments
Prostate HealthCompare Treatments
Vaginal DrynessCompare Treatments
Sleep (Poor sleep/Insomnia)Compare Treatments
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)Compare Treatments
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (P.M.D.D.)Compare Treatments
Nerve Pain (Peripheral Neuropathy)Compare Treatments
Sleep Apnea (Obstructive)Compare Treatments
UlcersCompare Treatments
Goiter (Enlarged Thyroid Gland)Compare Treatments
DocPanel Company Overview
This online radiologist offers second opinions on CT, MRI, and PET scans as well as ultrasounds, mammograms, X-rays, and nuclear imaging reports. Dr. Phil Templeton, a former thoracic radiology section chief at Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland, wanted to offer the general public the subspecialty expertise of academic radiologists when he founded the company in 2017. Nirish Mathias, DocPanel’s CEO, got involved with the company to provide better healthcare options to patients who needed them but couldn’t access them before such a platform existed.
Patients that worry they have been misdiagnosed can send their scans and clinical documents to a DocPanel radiologist of their choosing. They do not need to get a request from a physician to do so. One of the platform’s highly specialized radiologists will review the scans and respond within 72 hours (though most results only take around 24 hours).
Is DocPanel Right For You?
There are so many reasons why you might want to get a second opinion on a lab test. Some of the most common reasons for second opinions include:
- Ambiguous radiology report
- Conflicting diagnosis
- Delayed reports
- Diagnosis confirmation
- Peace of mind
- Persisting symptoms
- Timely treatments
Sometimes you simply want a diagnosis confirmation — especially when it comes to life-or-death situations. Second opinions take the guesswork out of treatments and offer peace of mind to patients who are worried about misdiagnosis.
If your radiology report is ambiguous, you might want to contact a lab to get a specialist to review the tests.
Another common reason for a second diagnosis is when you receive two conflicting diagnoses from other doctors. Getting another opinion can help you understand which diagnosis is correct.
Oftentimes, patients contact DocPanel because they’re simply worried about their lab results and don’t want to suffer through typical wait times. DocPanel offers lab results in as little as 24 hours.
One of the most common reasons patients reach out to DocPanel is when they’ve received a diagnosis, but their symptoms persist. Getting a second opinion can at least rule out an inaccurate diagnosis.
Is DocPanel Credible?
All DocPanel radiologists are based in the U.S. and have trained at some of the best medical centers in the country, including the Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Duke, and Emory. They are fellowship-trained, which means they have specialized in a specific area of radiology.
The ability to ask for a subspecialty radiologist is one of DocPanel’s points of difference. It’s an important part of asking for a second opinion.
All radiologists are:
- Vetted
- Board-certified
- Reputable
- Experts
DocPanel puts its radiologists through a six-step verification process. All radiologists are fellowship-trained and board-certified. They exclusively practice in the U.S. and have proven to provide high standards of diagnostic interpretation.
This platform prides itself on quality, customization, and accessibility.
Its six-step credential verification process ensures all radiologists are the best specialists in their fields. Since DocPanel only hires fellowship-trained specialists, users can feel secure knowing technicians are thoroughly trained in their specialty.
DocPanel also allows patients to choose their own radiologist/specialist, offering more freedom and flexibility. Sometimes talking to a radiologist can feel like consulting with a car mechanic; if the radiologist doesn’t speak in lay terms or speaks ambiguously about a diagnosis, it can be difficult to understand or trust that professional. This is especially true for patients who need a specialized diagnosis as reports are often easily misread when the radiologist hasn’t specialized in a particular condition.
Getting a radiology result can be stressful. DocPanel believes you shouldn’t need to worry about the validity of your lab results, too. The freedom to choose your own radiologist offers complete control and confidence over your medical care.
Patients can choose lab specialists based on:
- Experience
- Modalities used
- Size of practice
- Academic experience
- Disease specialization
- Special interest
- Areas of research and study
DocPanel actively recruits lab techs to ensure it has the best talent. Patients can choose from thousands of radiologists. It currently has more than 400 specialty radiologists.
Healthcare Conditions Treated by DocPanel
DocPanel specializes in the following second-opinion reports:
- Prostate radiology
- Pediatric sports medicine
- Breast radiology
- Neuroradiology
- Abdominal radiology
- Oncological radiology
- Pediatric radiology
- Women’s imaging
Second opinions on prostate radiology images can prevent unnecessary prostate biopsies and cancer misdiagnosis. Patients who need a second opinion before paying for expensive surgeries and chemotherapy and suffering through physically-draining treatments often want a second opinion to confirm a diagnosis.
Pediatric Sports Medicine
Kids’ sports injuries can be tricky to diagnose. Getting a second opinion can confirm the source of sports-related injuries and whether further treatment is necessary. This can be especially important when treatment pertains to kids whose bodies are still growing and developing. Getting the right treatment can prevent future injuries and/or ongoing and chronic conditions.
Breast Imaging
Breast imaging is one of the most complex scan interpretations. It’s also one of the most important as it's used to diagnose cancers and detect benign and malignant cysts. This can also be an extremely stressful diagnosis for many patients to wait for. When it comes to breast imaging, most doctors and patients agree that the sooner you get results, the better.
Waiting for imaging and reports when it comes to breast cancer can lead to treatment delays. Misreading a report can also lead to unnecessary surgeries and treatment as well as failure to treat the correct condition.
Second opinion experts at DocPanel can diagnose brain, sinus, spine, neck, and nervous system issues. All of these reports should be read by a specialist who understands the nuances and treatment options related to such sensitive areas of the body.
Pediatric Radiology
Waiting for pediatric tests can be an especially painful situation. Sometimes whether to get a second opinion is not even a question.
Also, finding out if your child has a brain condition isn’t something you want to wait an extra few hours or days for. DocPanel can get your results to you in under 72 hours (though most reports are returned in under 24 hours) and offer second opinions to rule out possible life-threatening conditions.
Not only does this increase the chance of successful treatment and decrease the chance of misdiagnosis and delayed treatments, but it can also offer peace of mind for both parents and kids alike.
Abdominal Radiology
Accurate abdominal imaging could mean the difference between a pancreatic cancer misdiagnosis and a healthy future. Abdominal radiology reports include gastrointestinal and genitourinary imaging as well as imaging to diagnose kidney and liver masses.
Oncological Imaging and Cancer
Possibly one of the most important imaging tests to get right, cancer scans are often misdiagnosed. DocPanel gives its patients peace of mind, knowing their diagnosis is accurate — and speedy.
Such speedy reports can also lead to speedy treatments, and when it comes to treating cancer, timing is everything. Starting treatment early and getting accurate treatment can often mean the difference between life and death. Early and accurate treatment can also ensure patients don’t suffer through unnecessary treatments, such as invasive surgeries, down the line.
Women's Imaging
Women’s health imaging tests consist of ovary ultrasounds, detection of pelvic masses, and more. Choosing a radiologist that specializes in women’s health can ensure a more accurate diagnosis and more efficient treatment options.
Types of Scans and Imaging
DocPanel supports the following scan types for submission:
- CT
- Nuclear medicine
- X-Ray
- Mammogram
- Ultrasound
DocPanel also specializes in the following MR second opinions:
- Abdomen
- Adrenals
- Angiogram (brain, neck vessels, chest, abdomen, or renal vessel)
- Angiogram extremities
- Ankle
- Arthrogram (shoulder, wrist, knee, ankle, or hip)
- Bony pelvis and hip
- Brain
- Breast
- Cervical spine
- Chest
- Elbow
- Fistulogram
- Foot
- Forearm
- Hand
- Inner ear
- Knee
- Leg
- Liver
- Lumbar spine
- MRCP (cholangiopancreatography)
- Neck
- Pancreas
- Paranasal sinus
- Pediatric
- Pelvis
- Pituitary
- Prostate
- Sacrum and coccyx
- Shoulder
- SI joints
- Thigh
- Thoracic spine
- Urogram
- Venogram brain
- Whole spine
- Wrist
CT Second Opinions:
- Abdomen and pelvis
- Angiogram (brain and neck vessels)
- Angiogram abdomen
- Angiogram chest
- Angiography
- Ankle
- Arthrogram (hip, wrist, elbow, and knee)
- Arthrogram extremities
- Brain
- Cervical spine
- Chest
- Colonography
- Colonoscopy
- Elbow
- Foot
- Forearm
- Hand
- Hand
- Hip
- Knee
- Kub
- Leg
- Lumbar spine
- Neck
- Paranasal sinus
- Pelvis
- Pituitary
- Sacrum and coccyx
- Shoulder
- Shoulder thigh
- Soft tissue neck
- Temporal bone
- Thigh
- Thoracic spine
- Urogram
- Virtual bronchoscopy
- Wrist
X-Ray Second Opinions:
- Abdomen
- Ankle
- Cervical spine
- Chest
- Elbow
- Foot
- Forearm
- Hand
- Hip
- Knee
- Leg
- Lumbar spine
- Orthopantomogram
- Pelvis
- Sacrum and coccyx
- Shoulder
- Skull
- Soft tissue neck
- Thigh
- Thoracic spine
- Whole spine
- Wrist
Ultrasound Second Opinions:
- Abdomen
- Ankle
- Aorta
- Axilla
- Breast
- Carotid arteries
- Groin
- Knee
- Neck
- Obstetric
- Pelvis
- Renal tract
- Sacrum and coccyx
- Shoulder
- Thyroid
- Wrist
Nuclear Medicine and PETSecond Opinions:
- DTPA / MAG3 / EC renogram
- Gastro-esophageal reflux study
- Hepatobiliary (HIDA scan)
- Lung perfusion
- Lung ventilation
- Myocardial viability
- Parathyroid
- Radionuclide cystography / DRCG
- Stress rest Myocardial perfusion
- Sulfur colloid scan (RES)
- Thyroid scan
- Transplant kidney evaluation
- Whole-body FDG PET scan without diagnostic CT
- Whole-body iodine scan
- Whole-body MIBG scan
Mammogram Second Opinions:
- Screening
- Diagnostic
- Cardiac imaging
CT Coronary Angiography
- Cardiac angiogram
- Cardiac
- Cardiac CT
- EchoCardiogram
How DocPanel Works
Getting a second opinion or rushed report at DocPanel is so easy, it only takes three easy steps. Before submitting a request for a report, you’ll want to make sure your report is formatted correctly (see above).
Patients can get a second opinion on lab results by:
- Creating an account and upload scans in DICOM format (.dcm file extension); fill out your reason for wanting a second opinion and any concerns.
- Choosing your skilled radiologist specialist from the list of recommendations based on your needs
- Getting a response in 24-to-72 hours. Message directly with your radiologist.
DocPanel Does NOT treat Some Conditions
DocPanel is not a doctor and does not offer treatment advice for conditions. You’ll need to consult with your doctors after receiving your results from your radiologist. If you need any of the below treatments or services, DocPanel recommends heading to your doctor’s or specialist’s office before contacting its radiology team:
- Emergency care (call 911 or go to an emergency room)
- Treatment plan options
- Non-radiology questions
- Reports paid for by health insurance
- Ongoing care
Pricing: How Much Does DocPanel Cost?
Each second-opinion report is $199 for one scan (including one body part). Additional scans of other body parts will cost extra. DocPanel doesn’t charge you until your report is submitted.
Right now, this second-opinion radiology platform doesn’t accept health insurance, and all costs are paid for out of pocket.
Your health savings plan may cover some or all of a second-opinion scan; check with your provider before ordering a report to avoid unexpected out-of-pocket costs.
What Do We Think About DocPanel?
We’re very excited about the services that DocPanel provides. We’re thrilled that patients can finally take back control of their diagnosis (and peace of mind) by easily and affordably requesting second opinions from trusted, highly-vetted radiologists.
DocPanel’s high standards and vetting process set this radiology platform a step above the rest. We love that the founders of DocPanel have set out to offer specialized services that were once only available through certain providers; now, patients can simply order second-opinion reports online instead of finding a doctor or treatment center themselves.
If you’re concerned you have been misdiagnosed or want to get a rush on a radiology diagnosis, submit a request through DocPanel and choose from one of its 400 specialists.