Hello Alpha Review

Why We Like Them
Hello Alpha is an online healthcare platform that focuses exclusively on women’s healthcare. With services ranging from skin and hair care to Primary and Urgent Care, Alpha has something for every woman.
Hello Alpha Prices
Conditions Treated
Best Hair Loss TreatmentsCompare Treatments
DepressionCompare Treatments
AnxietyCompare Treatments
Acid Reflux & GERDCompare Treatments
AcneCompare Treatments
AllergiesCompare Treatments
AsthmaCompare Treatments
Birth Control OptionsCompare Treatments
ChlamydiaCompare Treatments
Cold SoreCompare Treatments
DermatitisCompare Treatments
EczemaCompare Treatments
EndometriosisCompare Treatments
FluCompare Treatments
Genital HerpesCompare Treatments
HeadacheCompare Treatments
Hot Flashes & Night SweatsCompare Treatments
HPV/Genital WartsCompare Treatments
HypothyroidismCompare Treatments
MastitisCompare Treatments
MenopauseCompare Treatments
MigrainesCompare Treatments
Neck PainCompare Treatments
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (O.C.D.)Compare Treatments
Panic AttacksCompare Treatments
Pelvic PainCompare Treatments
Poison Ivy & Poison OakCompare Treatments
Postpartum DepressionCompare Treatments
Premenstrual SyndromeCompare Treatments
PsoriasisCompare Treatments
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.)Compare Treatments
RashesCompare Treatments
RosaceaCompare Treatments
Sinus InfectionCompare Treatments
Sexually-Transmitted InfectionsCompare Treatments
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)Compare Treatments
GriefCompare Treatments
Eyelashes (Longer/Thicker/Fuller)Compare Treatments
HeartburnCompare Treatments
High CholesterolCompare Treatments
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)Compare Treatments
Hot Flashes from MenopauseCompare Treatments
Mental Health ConcernsCompare Treatments
Influenza or FluCompare Treatments
DandruffCompare Treatments
StressCompare Treatments
Vaginal DrynessCompare Treatments
Sleep (Poor sleep/Insomnia)Compare Treatments
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)Compare Treatments
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (P.M.D.D.)Compare Treatments
Need A Primary Care PhysicianCompare Treatments
Skin RednessCompare Treatments
Fine Lines and WrinklesCompare Treatments
General Wellness & PerformanceCompare Treatments
Pain (Chronic Pain)Compare Treatments
Skin CareCompare Treatments
Hair CareCompare Treatments
Yeast InfectionCompare Treatments
Breast FeedingCompare Treatments
Anti-AgingCompare Treatments
Yeast InfectionCompare Treatments
MelasmaCompare Treatments
CoughCompare Treatments
Hay feverCompare Treatments
Relationship IssuesCompare Treatments
Thin Skin/Crepey SkinCompare Treatments
HyperpigmentationCompare Treatments
Patchy Skin/Discolored SkinCompare Treatments
Hello Alpha Company Overview
One of the most significant faults with the current healthcare system is just how long it takes for things to happen. In 2020, when we can facetime with someone on the other side of the planet in seconds, it is unspeakable that it could take almost a month to get a medical appointment.
Technology is changing that. Telemedicine gives us almost instant access to fully qualified doctors and can have FDA-approved medications shipped directly to your door within a week.
According to Hello Alpha, women face the most significant challenges when it comes to accessing affordable and effective healthcare. Their goal is to provide high-quality care to some of the United States’ most common, underserved, and undertreated individuals. Hello, Alpha’s mission is to empower women and allow them to take charge of their own healthcare by providing them with access to simple, affordable, convenient, effective, and discreet healthcare. Briefly put, Hello Alpha believes that their patient’s health comes first and wants to be the first stop for women’s healthcare in the United States.
All the nurses and doctors in the Hello Alpha network are board-certified and will only ever prescribe FDA-approved medications. Every Alpha Partner Pharmacy is based in the United States and licensed by the Board of Pharmacy in the states they operate.
The founders of Hello Alpha are Gloria Lau and Mary Jacobson. Gloria, co-founder, and CEO of Hello Alpha, has claimed that the future of healthcare, both over-the-counter and prescription, lies in simple and personalized online experiences that AI-assisted doctors and pharmacies back. Before founding Hello Alpha, Gloria was in charge of data products at Linkedin and served as the vice president of Data at Timeful, a company purchased by Google. Today she also serves as a consulting faculty at Stanford University.
Mary Jacobson serves as the Chief Medical Director of Hello Alpha. She is also a respected academic, fully qualified obstetrician and gynecologist and performs as a minimally invasive surgeon. Mary has years of experience in clinical care, medical education, hospital operations, and research. Her goal is to change women’s healthcare by applying entrepreneurial and social innovation skills.
Where Does Hello Alpha Operate?
Alpha operates in 41 states and is hard at work to expand its services throughout the U.S.
How Does Hello Alpha Work?
The first thing you need to do is sign up online via the Hello Alpha website, submit a copy of your government-issued ID and photos of the affected area so that the online doctor can get a full understanding of your situation. All of your information is secure thanks to Hello Alpha employing high-level encryption. And since everything is done online, there’s no need to download an app or leave your home.
Next, a fully licensed and board-certified doctor or nurse will review your info and submissions and reply with a treatment plan, all within 24 hours. For urgent care situations, the response time is only 8 hours.
Some treatment plans may require the completion of a lab test or to see an in-person doctor. Hello Alpha will help you find an affordable licensed doctor nearby and schedule any appointments or lab tests that may be needed.
If the Hello Alpha online doctor has prescribed medication as part of your treatment after your consultation, it will either be delivered right to your door or to your nearest pharmacy for no charge. Best of all, Hello Alpha will automatically refill your prescriptions!
Treatments Available at Hello Alpha
Hello Alpha’s medical team can provide diagnosis and treatment for over 70% of all medical conditions via their online women’s healthcare platform. These medical conditions include the common cold, influenza, mental health, topical ailments, urinary tract infections, and more.
The treatments offered by Hello Alpha fall into five broad categories:
Primary and urgent care
Women’s health, including birth control, pregnancy, and fertility-related issues
Mental health
Pediatric Care
Primary and Urgent Care
The average urgent care visit brings with it several issues – a large medical insurance co-payment, having to drive and travel while ill and possibly under the influence of strong medication, and having to spend time in a germ-infested waiting room while waiting for your appointment, potentially making you even sicker. Hello Alpha aims to eliminate all of these issues by providing you with a quick, affordable, convenient, and effective online medical platform.
Hello Alpha can diagnose and treat the following urgent care conditions:
Cold and flu
Vaginal Infections
Vaginal discharge, burning, or pain (vulvovaginitis)
Bladder infection (cystitis)
Cold sores (oral herpes)
Preventative Care
Women's Health
1 in 4 young people in the United States has no Primary Care Provider. This is a major problem as common medical issues play an important role in women’s health and ensuring all the needs of a women’s reproductive health are met. Hello Alpha will help you stay on top of your reproductive health by reminding you when you are due for any screenings and will even book your appointments for you.
Hello Alpha can diagnose and treat the following women’s health issues:
Birth Control Options
Birth Control Pill
Birth Control Patch
Birth Control Ring
Reproductive Health and Pregnancy
Sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomonas)
HIV screening, education, and counseling
Breast Cancer Screening & Counseling*
Cervical Cancer Screening & Counseling*
Preconception counseling
Pregnancy and fertility tests
Menstrual period issues
Painful periods
Heavy menstrual bleeding
No period or skipped period (amenorrhea)
Preventative Care
Pap smear (cervical cancer screening) scheduling & counseling
Mammogram (breast cancer screening) scheduling & counseling
Labs tests scheduling & counseling
Skin & Hair
On average, a woman in the United States can expect to wait almost three months to get a dermatological appointment. To make matters even worse, most dermatological conditions are not covered by the average medical insurance plan. Hello Alpha provides women with effective FDA-approved dermatological treatments within a week.
Hello Alpha can diagnose and treat the following dermatological conditions:
Hair Care
Hair loss
Mental Health
These days it is common knowledge that mental health is just as important as physical health. Hello Alpha understands the importance of mental health and aims to make the process as easy, convenient, and fast as possible. They don’t currently provide therapy, however, they do give members access to unlimited chatting with their expert care team.
Hello Alpha can diagnose and treat the following mental health conditions:
Major Depressive Disorders (Mild, Moderate, and Severe)
Postpartum Depression (also known as Perinatal Depression)
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Pediatric Care
Getting an appointment for non-emergency conditions for your kids can be a pain and sometimes you can’t wait to see your child’s regular pediatrician. With Hello Alpha’s newest service, you can now see an online doctor for issues that don’t require a doctor’s office visit.
Hello Alpha can diagnose and treat the following pediatric conditions:
Contact dermatitis
Diaper rash
How Much Does Hello Alpha Cost?
Alpha Care services include three options depending on what you’re looking for. Options include:
Medical Visits
$15 or $30/visit depending on the reason for your visit (not including the cost of prescriptions)
FREE Shipping for all prescriptions
Automatic refills
Alpha Membership
$99/year (not including the cost of prescriptions)
Includes all medical visits (mental health not included)
Unlimited messaging with your care team
FREE Shipping for all prescriptions
Automatic refills
20% off at the Alpha shop, which includes, things from skincare products to pregnancy and fertility tests
Alpha Mental Health Service
$120/year (not including the cost of prescriptions)
Includes all medical visits
Unlimited messaging with your care team
FREE Shipping for all prescriptions
Automatic refills
Does Hello Alpha Accept Insurance?
Hello Alpha’s insurance liaisons will help members with medical insurance facilitate all of the paperwork and admin.
Benefits of Hello Alpha
Easy Access
The Alpha Care Team can be messaged any time with questions or to help you find the right treatment.
Affordable Pricing
Prescriptions at Hello Alpha start from only $15, and patients with medical insurance may not have to pay anything at all.
Free shipping
Prescriptions from Hello Alpha are delivered to your door within a week and always include automatic refills.
What Do We Think about Hello Alpha?
Is Hello Alpha the best online medical platform for women? Based on the fact that they specialize in women’s healthcare, are headed up by two of the leading figures in women’s healthcare, are quick, convenient, inexpensive, and discreet, we’d have to say that if they are not the very best, then they certainly are one of the very best and are definitely worth exploring.