Persona Review

Why We Like Them
Persona is a leader in the online personalized vitamin game that gives customers access to nutrition programs designed specifically for them, taking the guesswork out of which supplement to take. By using researched science to deliver personalized nutrition safely and conveniently, Persona uses thousands of personalized information to recommend supplements that meet the needs and lifestyle habits of each unique individual.
Persona Prices
Conditions Treated
AnxietyCompare Treatments
Acid Reflux & GERDCompare Treatments
AcneCompare Treatments
AllergiesCompare Treatments
ConfusionCompare Treatments
DiabetesCompare Treatments
Ear PainCompare Treatments
EczemaCompare Treatments
Heart HealthCompare Treatments
Hot Flashes & Night SweatsCompare Treatments
HypothyroidismCompare Treatments
Knee PainCompare Treatments
Premenstrual SyndromeCompare Treatments
RosaceaCompare Treatments
HeartburnCompare Treatments
High CholesterolCompare Treatments
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)Compare Treatments
Hot Flashes from MenopauseCompare Treatments
Bone HealthCompare Treatments
Sleep (Poor sleep/Insomnia)Compare Treatments
Vitamin DeficiencyCompare Treatments
Fine Lines and WrinklesCompare Treatments
General Wellness & PerformanceCompare Treatments
Low Energy/DrowsinessCompare Treatments
Pain (Chronic Pain)Compare Treatments
Skin CareCompare Treatments
Hair CareCompare Treatments
Anti-AgingCompare Treatments
DrowsinessCompare Treatments
Bloated StomachCompare Treatments
Persona Overview
Persona (formerly Vitamin Packs) was co-founded in 2016 by Jason Brown, an entrepreneur with the goal of helping people live healthier lives by addressing acute and chronic challenges in nutrition. To make things convenient and accessible, Persona offers personalized packs of vitamins and dietary supplements that are delivered directly to your doorstep every 28 days. Persona is able to offer these unique packs based on an online assessment that is based on scientific research and reviewed by its team of board-certified doctors, Registered Dieticians, and nutritionists. The personalized quiz factors in things like your daily habits, individual needs, diet, exercise routine, health-related conditions, and any prescriptions you take (which during our research process we learned is extremely important).
Persona currently offers over 90 different vitamins and supplements (including vegan options) that start at around five cents per day. They take the guesswork out of what to buy if you’re in the vitamin aisle at the grocery store or pharmacy by helping you assess what supplements you need, based on the answers from their questionnaire. Persona reviewers have mentioned that their custom packs make them feel confident that they’re getting the right doses of the right supplements at the right time.
The Persona vitamin packs are only available for purchase on their website and can be shipped to 65 countries worldwide. With each order, you’ll get your 28-day supply of personalized vitamins, plus access to real-life nutritionists that help you answer any questions you might have. If you’ve been looking for a supplement solution, Persona could be just what you’re looking for. Read on to learn more about Persona!
How Does Persona Work?
Persona is a vitamin subscription service that provides a 28-day (a full lunar month) supply of vitamins and supplements that are specifically recommended for your unique needs. Signing up with a Persona membership not only gives you access to high-quality supplements it also grants you access to registered dieticians and nutritionists that can answer your burning questions 24/7, and an app that has tools to help you better understand your new vitamin regimen.
Is Persona Right For You?
Persona is great for those looking to easily incorporate daily supplements into their routine and don’t want to go through the hassle of researching what exactly they should be taking. Persona takes the guesswork out of deciding what is best to add to your nutrition routine. This option is especially great if you don’t know where to start and are looking for a fool-proof pack of vitamins to take.
Persona is also great for people on the go! Their individually packaged, biodegradable packs are small enough to throw into your purse, man bag, briefcase, or whatever else when you’re running out the door and don’t have the time to open a bunch of vitamin bottles and sort out what you need.
Persona is an affordable option if you’re taking more than two daily supplements. The monthly cost varies depending on what you’re recommended based on your personalized assessment, but there are many supplements that start at just $0.05/day (one shiny nickel). Compared to some of their competitors and OTC brands that are available at retail stores, Persona only provides high-quality supplements that have gone through rigorous testing.
How to Get Started with Persona
One of the goals that the founders of Persona set out to accomplish was to provide its customers with a super simple way to incorporate personalized vitamins into their daily lives. And in our opinion, they have gone above and beyond! Getting started with Persona is so incredibly easy, you could have your new vitamin regimen in as little as two days.
Make it Yours
Take the personalized assessment that will recommend a custom vitamin regimen that’s been backed by science. The quiz is about 20 questions and when we took it, it took roughly eight minutes to complete. The questions are multiple-choice and worded in a way that’s easy to understand.
The persona quiz is a confidential questionnaire that was designed by leading doctors in the nutrition field and is based solely on what makes you, well, you. It looks at your overall health, including any goals you might have, your lifestyle, diet, allergies, and most importantly, any medication you’re taking. The medication portion is extra important due to the fact that there are some vitamins that could counteract with medications you’re currently taking. For example, if you notated that you suffer from joint pain and are currently taking an anti-inflammatory like Advil, the personalized vitamin packs wouldn’t include turmeric, as those two things could be damaging to your liver if taken together.
Persona has a database of over 2,500 medications that are found to interact in various ways with each of the 90 vitamins Persona has in its arsenal. With Persona’s expertise from their Medical Advisory Board and insight from peer-reviewed research, they’ve created an algorithm so that you can rest assured your supplements won’t interact with your medications in an adverse way or cause any unwanted side effects.
Take it Daily
Have your daily vitamin packs delivered directly to your door every month. For FREE. Never again do you need to worry about running to the drug store when you’ve taken your last Omega-3. Persona takes care of that worry for you and will automatically handle refills until you cancel (that’s if you ever do). Each order comes in individually packaged packs with a reusable box for easy storage. Gone are the days of having tons of ugly vitamin bottles on your bathroom vanity. With Persona, all your vitamins are conveniently in one place. Packets are labeled for you so you’re never confused about what you’re taking or when to take it.
Persona is there for You
One thing that sets Persona apart from its competition is that when you’re a member, you can call on a nutritionist at any point, day or night. Someone will always be there standing by to talk you through any questions you might have. With personalized, science-backed nutrition and one-on-one expert advice, Persona touts themselves as a “whole-you” wellness solution to feeling your best every day.
What Products Does Persona Offer?
Persona offers over 90 different kinds of vitamins and supplements that can help target and ease many health issues relating to such things as:
Blood sugar
Brain health
Eye health
Men’s Health
Weight management
Women’s Health
Common Supplements Offered
It seems as though these days most people are most concerned about their energy levels, hair and skin, immunity, and sleep quality (or lack thereof).
Energy Supplements
Persona offers nine supplements in the energy category that supports not only steady energy levels throughout the day, but that also aid in your mood, stamina, and memory sharpness. These supplements include:
Beauty Wake - boosts morning energy levels and supports skin, nail, and hair growth
Brain Gain - Supports your mood, focus, and concentration
Cordyceps - Boosts stamina, and supports respiratory health and immune function
Fermented Ginseng - Helps to ease the effects of everyday stress, supports immune health, and may aid in mild memory loss
Ginkgo Biloba Extract - Promotes healthy circulation and supports healthy aging and cognitive function
ACV Gummies - Apple Cider Vin gummies can support healthy digestion, immune system health, and energy levels
Green Tea Extract - Supports healthy aging, heals maintain the health of your brain, and supports healthy weight loss
TRU NIAGEN - Supports healthy aging and promotes cellular metabolism
Vitamin B12 - Maintains brain and nerve function and helps fill nutrient gaps
Hair and Skin Supplements
There are more than 10 different supplements that promote healthy hair, skin, and even nails in the Persona arsenal. A couple were already mentioned in the Energy category, so we won’t bore you with those, but here are the individual products specifically formulated to keep your hair and skin red carpet ready:
Beauty Sleep - smooths fine lines and wrinkles and promotes a restful sleep
Borage with Saffron - Supports a healthy complexion, mood, and helps to curb hunger when you’re faced with that midday snack attack
Omega 3 and Omega 3 with BioCurc - Supports immune health, joint comfort, and inflammation as well as promotes brain, heart, and eye health.
Serrapeptase Enzyme - Helps to soothe the occasional ache and pain, promotes healthy blood flow, and can aid in sinus health.
Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides - Supports normal joint function, promotes healthy exercise recovery, and works on the microcellular level to naturally plump skin.
Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids - Increases immune health and promotes natural collagen production
Immunity Supplements
Persona has many supplements that are great for supporting a healthy immune system. Below are the most popular and all available for under $0.25 (a shiny quarter) per day.
Garlic - Supports cardiovascular function and helps maintain normal blood pressure
L-Lysine - Promotes skin integrity and helps to maintain healthy gums and lips.
Spirulina - Helps to maintain normal cholesterol levels and supports sinus health.
Vitamin D - Maintains bone and muscle health and promotes a healthy inflammatory response.
Sleep Supplements
It seems as though sleep weighs so heavily on our minds and why shouldn’t it?! It’s probably the most important part of our daily routine. Quality sleep sets us up for the next day's success and when we lack a good night’s sleep, the rest of your health also suffers. Persona offers the following in their sleep supplement category:
5-HTP - Supports serotonin production and helps promote relaxation
Ashwagandha - Helps to ease stress and promotes muscle strength and recovery
CBD Hemp Extract - Promotes ultimate relaxation
L-Tryptophan - Helps to ease stress and increase relaxation
Magnesium Glycinate - Promotes muscle relaxation, soothes tension, and helps to relieve mild symptoms associated with PMS.
Melatonin - Supports healthy sleep cycles and improves sleep quality
One thing we really appreciate about Persona’s website is that it’s extremely easy to use and navigate. They even have a feature that allows you to browse through their products by using a filter based on things you’re concerned about or want to improve.
Are Persona’s Supplements FDA-approved?
Dietary supplements, in general, are not approved by the FDA as there is no way to truly regulate them. It is up to the company, and in this case, it is up to Persona to take responsibility for making sure all its products are safe and that any marketed claims are true to their best knowledge. According to claims made on the Persona website, they follow strict guidelines to ensure each of their products is the best that they can possibly be. Their supplements are only made with proven ingredients, then tested and re-tested to ensure the highest quality.
Persona only sources with certainty
They only work with suppliers that have been vetted to source the highest-quality ingredients.
Formulas are Backed by Science
Each formula is backed by the latest research, to ensure they meet your body’s needs in an efficient and effective way.
They are Tested for Purity
All products are tested at every stage of production to ensure you get the purest nutrients in the right amount. Every time.
Packaged for Perfection
Persona packages its products in a clean-room environment using pharmaceutical-grade equipment that is all in accordance with FDA guidelines.
Products are Inspected by Real People
Persona’s machines are 99.9% accurate, but they go one step further by having someone on their QA team inspect every package that goes out the door for 100% accuracy.
Is Persona Credible?
Persona is too legit to quit if you ask us! From the way they market to the consumer (Kelly Rippa is their spokesperson for Pete’s sake!) to the way they’re so passionate about providing unbeatable products at affordable prices, Persona seems to be a vitamin company that won’t be going anywhere, anytime soon.
The fact that they take so many measures to assure that their products are of the highest quality tells us that if you’re in the market for personalized vitamins, you should get on over to their website quickly.
OH! One thing we almost forgot to mention! Persona also works with a non-profit organization, Vitamin Angels to provide vitamins to help kids in need. This alone is a major selling point. Vitamin Angels help families in need in 74 countries worldwide and play a key role in combating vitamin A deficiencies in kids around the globe.
For every purchase made, Persona donates a year's supply of Vitamin A to not one, but TWO kids that can help them fight off the life-threatening illnesses due to the lack of nutritious food. So, if you think about it, when you purchase vitamins that will help you, you are also aiding in helping those most in need.
How Much Does Persona Cost?
Persona’s vitamins and supplements start at only five cents per day, however, this question is entirely based on the cost of the supplements that are recommended for you. When we took the quiz, we found that Persona recommended nine different supplements that would total about $80/month. We thought this was a little excessive, so we whittled it down to three, which came out closer to $25/month, which in our opinion seems reasonable based on the fact that all their supplements are of the highest quality and clinically tested for efficacy.
One of the benefits of using Persona is that they take the guesswork out of what to take. That and they’re delivered to your door, so there’s no need to leave the comfort of your couch. Who really wants to walk around their local drug store to find supplements anyway? We definitely don’t.
What Do We Think About Persona?
Bottom line: If you’re looking for a personalized vitamin solution, get your buns over to Persona’s website. Take the quiz, see what they recommend, and talk to a nutritionist today! We don’t think you’ll regret it.