Teen Counseling Review

Why We Like Them
It’s becoming more and more clear and accepted that therapy for teens is just as important, if not more so than at any other stage of our lives. Thankfully, there are online platforms that are solely designed to provide today’s teens with the counseling they urgently need. Today we will be taking a closer look at one of these online teen counseling platforms - the aptly named Teen Counseling.
Teen Counseling Prices
Conditions Treated
DepressionCompare Treatments
AnxietyCompare Treatments
AddictionCompare Treatments
LGBTQ (Personal Struggles)Compare Treatments
AnorexiaCompare Treatments
BipolarCompare Treatments
Drug AddictionCompare Treatments
Life TransitionsCompare Treatments
Panic AttacksCompare Treatments
Postpartum DepressionCompare Treatments
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.)Compare Treatments
GriefCompare Treatments
TraumaCompare Treatments
Teen CounselingCompare Treatments
Mental Health ConcernsCompare Treatments
StressCompare Treatments
Teen Counseling - A Review of the Online therapy Platform for Teenagers
Being a teenager is without a doubt, the most stressful part of a person’s life. And it’s only become more stressful for each successive generation. Issues that weren’t even around 10 years ago or were only part of adult life is now thrust upon their shoulders, along with the more ‘traditional’ teen problems like bullying, eating disorders, self-esteem, etc. When you realize just what these are kids are going through, it’s nothing short of a miracle that they’re still fully functioning people by the time they get to their twenties.
Teen Counseling Company Overview
From the day Teen Counseling was launched back in 2013, it has had a simple but important mission – providing help to those teens that need it most. Understanding the massive role that person-to-person interactions play in counseling, Teen Counseling is not here to dehumanize the experience, but rather making these interactions more accessible for teens, no matter where in the United States they may be.
Teen Counseling has a well-developed nation-wide network of over 1,000 fully licensed online counselors who use TeenCounseling.com as a platform to help the teens of today. The company’s goal is to help teenagers cope with various issues such as anxiety, stress, self-esteem, depression, bullying, eating disorders, relationships or anger. The aim is to help these teens become more successful in their coping skills and to help them access resources that will provide them with guidance and support as they need it.
Every online counselor in the Teen Counseling network carries state-level training and accreditation and are independent professionals and not Teen Counseling employees. The Teen Counseling network consists of experienced Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Clinical Social Workers and Professional Counselors. Teens can communicate with their counselor via the Teen Counseling platform using any PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone, games console or just about any other device with an internet connection. Teen Counseling also specializes in helping the parents or guardians of teens who are looking to find the help that their child needs.
It should be noted that while the professionals Teen Counseling is qualified to provide expert advice, they are not legally allowed to prescribe any form of medication or provide any official diagnoses via the Teen Counseling platform.
What Do Counselors at Teen Counseling Do For You?
Teen Counseling is an online platform that caters to teens between the ages of 13 and 19 and provides them with access to qualified licensed online therapists. Online therapy for teens is made affordable, professional and accessible via the internet connection that most teen use as a part of their daily lives - computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Essentially, Teen Counseling provides teens with near-instant access to professional online counselors who can help them navigate their way through any issue they may find themselves mired in. Since today’s teens are faced with countless issues, the counselors at Teen Counseling are equipped to provide expert advice on a wide range of mental health issues, including:
- Addiction
- Anxiety
- Anger
- Bullying
- Career Choices
- Conflict
- Coping Skills
- Depression
- Eating Disorders
- Family Issues
- Grief
- Health
- Intimacy
- Life Transitions
- Relationships
- Religion
- Self-Esteem
- Sleeping Issues
- Social Behavior and Challenges
- Stress
- Substance Abuse
- Trauma
While Teen Counseling can do a lot for teens, it is not the answer to every situation. In any of the following situations, it is strongly advised that you seek in-person treated as a matter of urgency:
- Teen admits to having of causing harm to themselves or others
- They are in an urgent situation that needs to be treated as an emergency
- If therapy or counseling was ordered by a court or other similar authority
- There is no device with a stable internet connection that can be used
How Does Teen Counseling Work?
Registering with Teen Counseling is easy and quick. The path is split in two, with one direction speaking directly to teens, while the other path is aimed at the parents of the teenager in counseling. The online process can be explained in a few simple steps:
- A questionnaire that requires some basic info on the particular situation must first be completed
- Once the questionnaire is completed, the child will be matched with a suitable online licensed therapist, specializing in the issue(s) that the teen faces
- The parent will then have an initial session with the online therapist where they will discuss the issues the teen faces along with any relevant information on the particulars of the child’s situation
- Once the parent or guardian approves of the online therapist, has the course plotted in the previously mentioned initial session and has entered all relevant payment details on the secured payment page, the teen will be connected with their online counselor. If either the parent or teen is not happy with the online counselor they have been matched with, an alternative counselor can be requested
- The teen will engage with their online counselor using the Teen Counseling app on their smartphone
- From their side, the online counselor will engage with the teen using text, phone and video chats
- The contents of the online counseling sessions between teens and counselors are confidential. However, if there is an urgent situation that requires immediate intervention, you will be alerted to this fact
Pricing: What Does Teen Counseling Cost?
Teen Counseling offers clients two different payment options. The first is a weekly plan, costing $40 per week, which will be billed monthly for a total of $160. This plan includes unlimited text counseling. Live therapy sessions via video chat can be requested for an extra $25 per session.
The second plan comes in at $70 per week and is billed monthly at $280. This plan includes unlimited text counseling plus 4 live therapy sessions every month.
Compared to the average costs incurred with in-person therapy sessions, the savings offered by Teen Counseling is impressive. Teen Counseling also offers a number of payment options via credit card or PayPal. Subscriptions can be canceled at any time if it’s felt that the therapy is proving ineffective.
What Do We Think About TeenCounseling.com?
The number of teens in need of counseling is simply staggering. However, many choose to forgo what could be life-changing therapy because the subject may not know how to access this type of assistance, cannot afford the cost of the therapy or is based in an area that does not play host to such a service. The online platform of Teen Counseling negates all of this and provides teens in need of therapy with expert online counseling from fully qualified counselors. And if there is a way that can provide those in need with the help they require, we fully endorse it.