STD Test (2-Panel)

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    STD Test (2-Panel)

    Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are the worst; however, contracting one is not the end of the world. If you are sexually active (vaginally, orally, or anally), getting tested for STDs is extremely important, especially if you have more than one partner at a time and/or are not using protection. 

    Getting tested for STDs is not only crucial for your health, but for the health of the person(s), you’re having sex with. It can be difficult, but having an honest conversation with your partner(s) about STDs can benefit everyone in the long run. 

    What is an STD Test (2-Panel)?

    An STD test (2-Panel) is a test that screens for the two most common STDs (Chlamydia and Gonorrhea). The 2-Panel test can be administered by a lab technician or by yourself from an at-home testing kit. 

    This test analyzes your urine, blood, or fluids taken from the inside of your cheek, anus, vagina (for women), or urethra (for men). The collection type is dependant on where the test is done or which company you decide to use. 

    Common Symptoms of STDs

    The most common symptoms and signs that you might have an STD include:

    • Painful urination

    • Lower abdominal pain

    • Vaginal discharge or discharge from the penis

    • Pain during intercourse

    • Heavy bleeding between periods (for women)

    • Testicular pain (for men) 

    • Itching, pain, irritation, and/or swelling in your vagina, penis, or anus

    • Flu-like symptoms, including fever, body aches, swollen glands, and fatigue

    Of course, each STD comes with its own set of symptoms, but it is essential to keep the above in mind when determining your infection status. If you think you might have an STD, it is recommended that you talk to your doctor, seek medical treatment from an online doctor, or order an at-home testing kit

    How Do You Take an STD Test (2-Panel)? 

    Getting tested is the easiest (and probably the most comfortable) part of the process. A doctor must order some testing kits and some kits you can order yourself. The good news is that there are plenty of online doctors and companies that you can order from! 

    The 2-Panel test typically analyzes a urine sample for the presence or absence of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. If the STDs DNA is found present in your urine, try your best not to worry--these STDs are very easily treated with antibiotics. 

    How you actually take the test is simple too and can be completed in a few easy steps:

    1. Order your test

    2. When the test arrives in the mail, you should follow the instructions on how to collect your sample (for urine, you’ll simply pee into the provided plastic cup)

    3. Pack the sample in the provided packaging and mail in your kit to the lab

    4. Get your results (most results take only a few days)

    Where to Get an STD Test (2-Panel)

    Thanks to telemedicine, getting STD tests online has never been easier! And here, at, we want to provide our readers with the best options to keep their sexual health in check. We have pre-vetted and reviewed many companies that not only offer the 2-Panel STD test but many other at-home tests for your convenience. 

    You can find STD Tests at the following: