The New Mark Cuban Pharmacy Website: What You Should Know

There can be some pretty contentious debates, disagreements, and culture wars in this country. If you could somehow poll every U.S. citizen on whether or not the sky was blue, you’d likely garner a statistically big enough sample size to find at least one person who'd staunchly disagree with that objectively agreeable sentiment.

But if there’s one thing most Americans CAN agree on, it’s that American healthcare can get pretty dang expensive. According to Pew Research, around 63% of American adults across the entire political spectrum support single-payer affordable healthcare coverage.  

Furthermore, a recent Kaiser Family Foundation report ascertained that around 83% of American adults believe that the costs of their essential prescription drugs are unreasonably high. It’s a big problem when an institution designed to serve people’s fundamental physical and mental health needs winds up prioritizing profits over those people.

Unfortunately, time will tell whether or not the will of the people is fully actualized, but in the meantime, finding affordable healthcare coverage in the U.S. doesn’t have to be a futile, hopeless endeavor. At ReliefSeeker, you know we’re all about helping our readers find affordable relief resources, and that’s exactly what notorious “Shark Tank” mogul Mark Cuban is aiming to accomplish with his latest venture; a new, affordable online pharmacy site known as the Cost Plus Drugs Company.

Despite whatever vibes the name might mistakenly give you, the objective of Cost Plus Drugs Company is to disrupt the pharmaceutical industry by slashing and subtracting the cost of medications that would otherwise be priced inordinately, undesirably high. In Cuban’s own succinct, concise, and straight-to-the-point words on the company website’s mission statement, “We started this company as an effort to disrupt the drug industry and to do our best to end ridiculous drug prices.” 

The “we” joining Cuban in this effort refers to Co-Founder and CEO Alexander Oshmyansky. As an M.D. Ph.D. with an esteemed professional background hailing from prestigious schools like U.C. Boulder, Johns Hopkins University, Duke University, Oxford, as well as Stanford, Oshmyansky undoubtedly understands the importance of making healthcare accessible, attainable, and affordable for anyone who needs it.

If you’re wondering how the Cost Plus Drugs Company makes its products more affordable, how you can get to access its vast inventory, and how you can access comparable alternatives like Sesame Care in case it winds up not being your cup of tea, here’s how.

Cost Plus Drugs Company Overview

The Cost Plus Drugs Company relies on price markups to reduce the prices of common prescription drugs. They work directly with healthcare providers to cut out the middleman and slash the price of hundreds of prescription drugs, sometimes yielding up to 90% savings on standard market prices!

The Cost Plus Drugs Company serves multiple URAC-accredited facilities delivering in all 50 states, exemplifying the company’s core commitment to offering more affordable healthcare services nationwide. You can count on the Cost Plus Drugs Company to cut out the middleman for medications treating numerous common health needs, including:

Prospective patients who are interested in taking advantage of the Cost Plus Drugs Company are encouraged to use a downloadable prescription request form to refer their doctors to the reduced mark-up prescriptions and include their:

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Desired Prescriptions

From there, you’re encouraged to:

  • Contact your prescriber
  • Wait for the prescription to process
  • Wait 24 hours to log in and order medications

Simple as that! It might take some time for the telehealth online pharmacy company to really get off the ground, but with a name as big as Mark Cuban’s backing it, the Cost Plugs Drugs Company IPO and their patient base are both bound to surge with time.

In the meantime, until more details about its state by state availability are released, you can use Sesame Care for prescription delivery (click the aforementioned hyperlink to learn more). You can also sign up for our mailing list to find more impeccable deals and discounts from the telehealth industry’s best online pharmacies.

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