InsideTracker Review

Why We Like Them
InsideTracker is an online health company that is revolutionizing how we think about health and wellness. Instead of looking at your health from one viewpoint, InsideTracker aims to improve its user’s overall health and fitness by incorporating science-backed data, actionable insights, and a sophisticated algorithm.
InsideTracker Prices
Conditions Treated
Heart HealthCompare Treatments
High CholesterolCompare Treatments
Sleep (Poor sleep/Insomnia)Compare Treatments
ThyroidCompare Treatments
Vitamin DeficiencyCompare Treatments
General Wellness & PerformanceCompare Treatments
Low Energy/DrowsinessCompare Treatments
Anti-AgingCompare Treatments
Inside Tracker Company Overview
InsideTracker is an online blood testing service that analyzes your blood work and biometric markers to configure a nutrition and fitness plan specifically for you. InsideTracker as a company is made up of experts in the aging, genetics, and biometrics fields. Since 2009, their science team from Harvard, MIT, and Tufts has been personalizing nutrition and wellness plans with its proprietary, evidence-based digital programs. With InsideTracker, you’ll have a customized health plan at your fingertips with the InsideTracker app that’s intended to help you track and reach your fitness and wellness goals.
InsideTracker measures everything from your white blood cell counts to your calcium levels and uses science-backed recommendations from your blood test results to put together a plan that will work for you based on your genetics.
If you’ve been looking for a health and wellness program that is tailored super specifically to you and only you, read on to learn more about InsideTracker.
How Does Inside Tracker Work?
InsideTracker uses science to formulate the recommendations that are custom to your blood work. One thing that InsideTracker reviewers appreciate is that they constantly add fitness and health suggestions to your InsideTracker app’s dashboard based on new research. This is one of the things that sets InsideTracker apart from its competition in a huge way.
Because InsideTracker bases their custom fitness and health programs on the results from your blood work, they advise that you have your blood drawn a few times a year so that you can compare your results and track specific biomarkers as you continue to use the program.
What is a Biomarker?
Because we want our readers to be as informed as possible and because we never want to assume you’re extreme health nerds like we are, here’s a quick Biomarker 101. A biomarker refers to a broad subcategory of medical signs that can be measured accurately and reproductively. The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined a biomarker as any substance, structure, or process that can be measured in the body or its products and influence or predict the incidence of outcome or disease. Examples of biomarkers include everything from pulse and blood pressure to lab tests of blood and other tissue.
Bottom line--biomarkers are things in the body that can be measured, quantifiably tested, and reported on.
How to Get Started with InsideTracker
Your path to better health with InsideTracker is quite simple--well, at least the initial sign-up process; how hard you actually work to achieve your fitness goals is entirely up to you. InsideTracker breaks down their ‘how to get started' in four easy-to-understand steps.
Step One - Pick your Plan
Once you’re ready to improve your overall health, looking for some extra encouragement, and have chosen InsideTracker as your ideal plan to get to where you want to go, you’ll choose from one of the six plans that will work best for you. Because InsideTracker’s customized plans are based on your blood work, you’ll want to have your blood drawn. You can do this by ordering an at-home-test-kit from InsideTracker or schedule an appointment at a lab near you. You can also upload any existing blood and DNA test data if you’ve participated in things like Ancestry, 23andMe, or had bloodwork done at your PCP’s office.
Step Two - Tell InsideTracker About Yourself
So that InsideTracker can put together the most comprehensive health plan for you, they want to know a bunch of things about you. From how you go about your everyday life to your quality of sleep (or lack thereof), to what you eat, and how often you engage in daily exercise. These answers will help InsideTracker power the ultra-personal health and wellness recommendations for your plan.
Step Three - ‘Step’ into Action
Once your blood has been analyzed, InsideTracker will help you with everything else and be there from start to finish with a goal-oriented action plan that includes nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle recommendations. You will use this plan to improve your health, body, and wellness for the better.
According to InsideTracker reviewers, a blood work analysis took anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks and once they received their results via the InsideTracker dashboard, it had “SO MUCH INFORMATION.” They went on to say that even though there was a ton of info (dietary suggestions, lifestyle changes, supplement recommendations, and changes to your training), it was easy to digest and spring into action.
Step Four - Track your Progress
InsideTracker recommends that you retest your blood every three months to make sure everything in your personalized plan is working (or not working). As you work hard to improve your body, your blood biomarkers change too, so getting an accurate read on what’s happening inside your body and with your blood is important.
What Plans Does InsideTracker Offer?
InsideTracker offers six plans that can help you discover your genetic potential and receive personalized recommendations based on your blood test results.
Ultimate Plan
As InsideTracker’s most comprehensive wellness solution, the Ultimate will provide the most comprehensive snapshot of your overall health. This plan supports all InsideTracker goals and covers everything from athletic performance to longevity. The Ultimate measures and analyzes 43 biomarkers and can aid in the following:
Enhance performance
Maintain bone health
Improve cognition
Raise metabolism
Optimize your mood
Boost energy
Reduce inflammation
Aid in liver function
Build muscle
Reveal your genetic potential with the newest offering from InsideTracker. With the DNA Kit, up to 261 genetic markers will be analyzed to reveal wellness traits and risks. This easy to take at-home-test will analyze your DNA to shine a light on 29 different wellness traits and how they can impact important areas of your genetic potential. Things like sleep quality, food sensitivities, athletic performance, and weight will all be analyzed.
InnerAge 2.0
With the InnerAge plan, you’ll know once and for all what your inner age really is so that you can make improvements to live a longer, better life. This plan tests 14 biomarkers for females and 18 for men that will give you an overall insight into how old you really are. Because people age at different speeds depending on many variables, the InnerAge plan will calculate your inner age based on your specific biomarkers then put together a comprehensive plan to make your lasting years the best they can be, with the goal to make it as long as possible.
Essentials can help improve your body and mind by analyzing 12 biomarkers that will then go into a fitness plan designed to help you establish and maintain the body you want. With a plan that is specifically designed to enhance your overall performance, maintain bone health, and raise your metabolism, the essentials panel is best as a starting point for your wellness journey and will focus on the core markers for your overall health.
Home Kit
Get your blood tested in the comfort of your own home--hassle-free. The Home Kit helps you analyze your overall health by measuring seven biometrics for you to maintain an active lifestyle from anywhere you feel comfortable. Whether that’s on the beach or on your couch, InsideTracker has you covered.
DIY Plan
The DIY plan is best suited for those that already have existing blood test results from your doctor, employer, or insurance company. This plan will analyze your current blood test results against the 43 biomarkers they measure in the Ultimate plan. They also include an action plan with nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle recommendations that are best for you and your genes.
It is important to know that InsideTracker cannot guarantee results and that all results vary by individual. Like most things, you’re only as good as the work you put in.
Is InsideTracker Right for You?
InsideTracker is a unique offering unlike any other we’ve reviewed. It offers people a personalized health plan based on their own genetics. That being said, InsideTracker isn’t for everyone and is more so recommended for people that already live a healthy and active lifestyle. For those starting at square one, InsideTracker might seem like an overwhelming fitness program, as it takes a lot of dedication and self-motivation. Luckily, there are many other wellness companies and health apps, such as Noom that is better suited for beginners looking to get on track to living a healthier life.
Is InsideTracker Credible?
InsideTracker claims that science is the backbone of what they do and when Gil Blander, an expert in longevity and biometric data founded the company along with his trusted advisors in the nutrition and genetics fields, they set out to help people live better, more healthy lives, and ultimately live longer, more fulfilled lives. InsideTracker was founded on the idea of combining rigorous, peer-reviewed science with cutting-edge technology and creative power from expert human experience that can result in greater advances for human well-being and overall performance.
Through a scientific approach, InsideTracker harnesses the power of big data to make user data meaningful and actionable. They use relevant information from current scientific literature and bioinformatic analysis to generate an array of potential nutrition, supplement, fitness, and lifestyle interventions that are uniquely customized to each user. InsideTracker uses six technology markers to determine what plan of action will work best for you. These markers include:
Blood and DNA harness so much information. Your blood data is dynamic and changes over time from a variety of inputs, including environmental exposure, dietary choices, quality of sleep, and stress levels. On the other hand, your DNA is hard-coded and doesn’t change so it can provide an excellent high-level picture of your body’s genetic potential. When evaluated together, your blood and DNA can help InsideTracker ensure the most accurate health plan that will work for your body’s specific make-up.
Your personal profile will give indicators that include your physiological metrics, including height, weight, age, gender, and ethnicity. These are key pieces of information that help drive InsideTracker’s recommendation because no two bodies are the same. And many scientific studies have proven that what’s right for one person isn’t always right for another.
Habits, along with your physiological metrics play a significant role in your health and wellness. Things like your fitness habits, supplement regimens, and if you meditate are all taken into account by InsideTraker’s proprietary data engines when they are generating your personalized plan recommendations.
Wearable Devices
InsideTracker is working hard to create the ultimate integration between their platform and many wearable devices, like the Oura ring so that they can provide you with additional data about how your activity level impacts your personalized plan.
SegterraR is an engine that was built by InsideTracker’s team of scientists, technologists, and bioinformaticians to house, mine, and visualize all the data that goes into putting each user’s biometric and scientific data into an automated, yet unique fitness plan.
SegterraX is a patent-pending, automated algorithmic engine that runs the InsideTracker platform. It generates ultra-personalized interventions for each individual by integrating the full range of user inputs (biochemistry, demographics, profile, habits, genetics) with specific rules developed by its team of scientists based on their analysis of over 2,500 peer-reviewed scientific publications, a demographic database of over 180,000 healthy individuals, and a database of over 8,000 unique foods.
How Much Does Inside Tracker Cost?
Each of InsideTracker’s plans is priced accordingly based on the number of biomarkers that are measured and each is priced per kit.
Ultimate - $589
Ideal for people that want to take control of their health and wellness
Blood test INCLUDED
43 Biomarkers
Upload any past blood test results
Available in the US and Canada
Essentials - $189
Ideal for active people that want to focus on their metabolism, sleep, and energy
Blood test INCLUDED
13 Biomarkers
Available in the US and Canada
Home Kit - $299
Ideal for International users and those not looking for a full blood draw
Blood test INCLUDED
7 Biomarkers
Upload any past blood test results
Available worldwide
InnerAge 2.0 - $179
Ideal for people who are seeking a plan to achieve a longer, healthier, and better quality of life
Blood test INCLUDED
14 Biomarkers for females
18 Biomarkers for males
Available in the US and Canada
DIY - $49
Ideal for people who already have the required blood test data and are willing to upload their results
Blood test NOT included
43 Biomarkers
Upload any past blood test results
Available in the US and Canada
DNA Kit - $249
Easy at-home DNA test
Up to 261 genetic markers analyzed
Add a blood test at no additional charge
What’s Included with Each Kit?
Personalized optimal zones and results tracking
Personalized nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle recommendations
Science-based digital platform
Secure online web portal
Live customer service
Add DNA insights and learn how your genes could impact your wellness goals
What Do We Think About InsideTracker?
InsideTracker is revolutionizing the way we look at health, wellness, and fitness. Best for those that are already living an active and relatively healthy lifestyle, InsideTracker will be there to help you create the best version of yourself based on your unique make-up. Each plan they have available seems to be super comprehensive and if you’re serious about maintaining your body at its peak performance and willing to put in the work to do so, InsideTracker could be just what you’re looking for.
Their plans are based on peer-reviewed research and backed by science. The algorithm that drives the InsideTracker platform is continuously refined, drawing on cutting-edge research and technological advances. It’s smart and ever-evolving, just like your body is. If you’re looking to start your fitness journey, InsideTracker may not be for you, however, if you’re already on track to wellness, check InsideTracker out today!