PureKana Review

Why We Like Them
PureKana Premium CBD Drops are one of the very best hemp-derived CBD oils available today. In fact, many go so far as to say it is the best THC-free CBD oils. PureKana Review - 30% OFF - SUPER430 Promo Code.

Brand Name: The CBDistillery
Product Reviewed: PureKana Premium CBD Oil Drops
Since first coming to the attention of the general public as a food additive a number of years ago, the CBD oil industry has exploded and is worth in excess of $2 billion dollars. And as with industry that experiences such explosive growth, there are fly-by-nights and snake oil salesmen out to make a quick buck peddling inferior or even counterfeit products. With our series of CBD oil reviews, we will be taking a look at some of the most popular CBD oils, helping you get the best CBD bang for your dollar.
PureKana Promo Code & Discount Codes
- SUPER430 Promo Code: 30% OFF
Pure Kana Extraction Methods
In just a handful of years, PureKana has transformed itself from the new boys on the block to an industry leader known for providing high-quality CO2 extracted CBD oil to all 50 states. Expanding from a small family business to a full-blown empire, today PureKana is stocked as a showcase product in many marijuana dispensaries across the country. Voted the best CBD oil in the market by several well-respected experts and websites, PureKana undergoes constant and stringent testing to ensure their PureKana products are always of the highest quality.
Since the start of 2017 PureKana has invested heavily in two key areas as they seek to strengthen their already impressive reputation. The first is in ensuring the quality of their product. PureKana uses 3rd party testing and the highly effective and regarded CO2 extraction process, which is also known to be quite complicated and costly. The combination of constant testing and an effective extraction process ensures the potency of their product. The second area is their website. With just three clicks your PureKana CBD oil can be on its way to your home in any of the 50 states.
Pure Kana Products
Let’s just say this right at the very start – PureKana Premium CBD Drops are one of the very best hemp-derived CBD oils available today. In fact, many go so far as to say it is the best THC-free CBD oils. While we prefer to give you the facts and let you decide, it’s easy to see why many hail it as the cream of the organic CBD oil crop.
PureKana Premium CBD Drops is a full spectrum CBD oil that has been filtered and undergone the CO2 extraction method, made from European Certified Organic Hemp that is cultivated to the highest standards and offers users a pure CBD mix that is 100% free of pesticides, herbicides, solvents and chemical fertilizers.
Unlike many of its competitors, the PureKana offers users a choice of 3 flavors – Natural, Mint, and Vanilla. Each flavor is available in the following variants:
- 300mg in a 30ml bottle for $54
- 600mg in a 30ml bottle for $95
- 1000mg in a 30ml bottle $139
Even when compared to its countless competitors who may appear to offer a product of lower quality, PureKana is extremely well priced. Essentially, PureKana has the competition beat in many ways – quality, choice (thanks to the flavors) and price.
Based on our research, users who suffer from pain and inflammation, diabetes, arthritis, insomnia, spasm, and stress claim to have found almost instantaneous relief after using PureKana Premium CBD Drops. In fact, there are many users out there who claim that it is the “best CBD oil for insomnia” and even the “best CBD oil for anxiety”.
Yet another great benefit users of PureKana Premium CBD Drops will enjoy is the Entourage Effect, due to the product being full spectrum CBD oil.
With this effect, it was proven that CBD is more effective when it consists of a number of cannabinoids as they complement each other, work together and increase the potency of the product.
At first, you may wonder why the color of the oil is even a factor. But when dealing with an all or mostly natural product with no artificial colorants, the natural color can tell you quite a bit.
The color is almost always dependent on the type and quality of filtration the product undergoes. There are three different forms of CBD oil, each the result of a different filtration process - raw, decarboxylated, and filtered.
Raw CBD oil undergoes no further filtration once the oil has been extracted from the plant. This usually means that the resultant oil will appear greenish in color thanks to the chlorophyll that remains in the oil.
Decarboxylated CBD oil usually has a dark green to almost black look to it and is quite thick in consistency and said to be easily absorbed by the body.
Filtered CBD oils are the gold standard of the industry. This filtering process removes the vast majority of excess material found in the original oil, giving it a clear, golden appearance and palatable taste. It is also the most expensive form as oils produced in this way contain the highest concentration of CBD.
PureKana Premium CBD Drops have a beautiful, rich golden hue, indicative of the product undergoing extensive filtration and CO2extraction processes. Unlike less refined products, which can be dark, thick and “gloopy”, PureKana’s oil is quite thin, another testament to its outstanding manufacturing process.
As previously mentioned, PureKana Premium CBD Drops are flavored. However, no amount of flavoring can hide the rather pungent, some would say repellent taste, of an inferior product. The Mint and Vanilla flavors themselves are quite pleasant and not at all overpowering. But it is the Natural variant that is most telling and reflective of the high quality of the entire range. It has a gentle plant-like aroma and taste to it that is actually quite pleasant.
We can see why many regards PureKana Premium CBD Drops as the very best CBD oil available today. The combination of it being an exceedingly high-quality product, offering great variety thanks to its flavors and its competitive mid-range pricing places it at the best CBD oil we have had the pleasure of testing thus far. Use PureKana coupon code and PureKana promo code to avail best offers on their products.
Price: $54 (300mg in 30ml bottle) - $139.95 (1000mg in 30ml bottle)
Range: 300mg, 600mg and 1000mg all in 30ml available in Natural, Mint and Vanilla Flavors
Base: European Certified Organic Hemp
Ingredients: Only 100% organic and GMO-free
Extraction: CO2 extraction
Testing: Third party lab tested with results posted online
Availability: Shipped to all 50 states