Pandia Health Review

Why We Like Them
Over 19 million women* in the United States between the ages 13-44 do not have access to pharmacy or healthcare facility that offers a comprehensive range of birth control options. To make the situation even more alarming, a large number of women who are on birth control, whether it be the birth control, pill., patch or ring, face serious financial or transportation problems making it difficult for them to get to the pharmacy or clinic every month to get their prescription filled. Thankfully there is a solution – Pandia Health – the only founded and led by women in the field of birth control delivery. Today we will be taking a closer look at Pandia Health., its background, how it works, its benefits and more. *figure is based on studies by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
Company Overview Pandia Health
Pandia Health is a named based on the Greek language (Pan = every and dia = day). The name is inspired by the ancient Greek goddess Pandia, the goddess of light, the full moon and healing. With Pandia Health, your health is protected every day of the year.
One of Pandia Health’s biggest selling points is that they are “by women, for women”. Founded by Elliott Blatt, Perla Ni and Dr Sophia Yen with the aim of making the lives of women easier by removing one of the biggest fears and hassles they have a deal with – running out of birth control. Not only can it be an inconvenience and a hassle, but it could have a life-changing effect.
Pandia Health seeks to be the one-stop-female-reproductive-health-stop and have your birth control conveniently delivered to your front door, no matter where you may be. They have teamed up with countless pharmacies and doctor specializing in women’s health to provide their customers with access to affordable, discreet and reliable telehealth and telepharmacy services for women.
Pandia Health believes that women have better and more important things to do with their time than sit around waiting to a prescription for their birth control running to their closest pharmacy to have their prescription filled.
The birth control specialists at Pandia Health are always on hand to review their online patient’s health questionnaires, answer any questions they may have, offer their expert advice and valid prescriptions that can be filled at any legitimate pharmacy. With Pandia Health, women are free to focus on everything else going on in their life, knowing that they will never be without effective birth control. All that it takes to have the hassle of birth control removed from your life is a mailbox and access to a mailbox, something almost all women have in today’s urban environment.
The founder of Pandia Health, Dr Sophia Yen has over two decades of medical experience behind her. During this time, she has studied and graduated from illustrious institutions like MIT, UCSF Medical School and UC Berkeley. Dr Yen holds an MPH in Maternal Child Health and currently serves as a Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Adolescent Medicine at Stanford Medical School. She is passionate about educating her peers and the public on subjects including birth control, acne, weight management and health issues in teens. Dr Yen is a familiar face in many medical and scientific publications, often featured and celebrated as the founder and CEO of Pandia Health and her many years of work in the field of women’s reproductive health.
Areas of Service of Pandia Health
Patients in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming who have an active prescription cam have their birth control delivered for free, right to their door. However, for patients who require a new prescription, Pandia Health only offers prescriptions via an online consultation for those in California, Florida and Texas.
How Pandia Health Works
Basically, Pandia Health works in two ways – 1.) for women who have an active prescription for birth control and 2.) for women who find themselves needing a prescription for birth control:
- With Pandia Health, there is no co-pay for birth control with almost all medical insurances
- Patients who do not have any form of medical insurance may have to make a co-payment of just $15 per set of birth control treatment
Pandia Health will deliver the patient’s birth control treatment right to their front door, absolutely free anywhere within the 50 mainland states of the US, including Alaska and Hawaii.
- Patient’s contact info
- Patient’s date of birth
- Relevant information related to the patient’s current pharmacy or doctor
- Patient’s insurance information
- Name, address and contact information of the patient’s current pharmacy
- Shipping address
- Pandia Health will mail the patient their chosen form of birth control (patch, pill or ring) once a month, or if the patient’s doctor and medical insurance permits, every three months
- To get a valid prescription for birth control via Pandia Health, the patient will need to:
- Complete the online health form on the Pandia Health website
- One of Pandia Health’s online doctor’s will then have to review this online health form and write a birth control prescription for the patient
- The cost for the online doctor to review the patient’s online health form is $29
- There is no co-payment for birth control with almost all medical insurances
- Patients who do not have any form of medical insurance may have to make a co-payment of just $15 per set of birth control treatment.
Pandia Health will deliver the patient’s birth control treatment right to their front door, absolutely free anywhere within the 50 mainland states of the US, including Alaska and Hawaii.
- The patient’s government ID
- Picture of the patient
- Patient’s insurance info
- Patient’s blood pressure – obtained from a health machine at their nearest pharmacy
- The patient could instead choose to call their regular doctor and ask what the blood pressure reading was for their last visit
- A review of the patient’s health by one of Panida Health’s online female reproductive health doctors
- Pandia Health will mail the patient their chosen form of birth control (patch, pill or ring) once a month, or if the patient’s doctor and medical insurance permits, every three months
- Birth control prescriptions issued by Pandia Health are valid for a year
Treatments available through Pandia Health
Pandia Health offers the following forms of birth control:
- The birth control ring has been proven to be a safe, effective and convenient form of birth control
- A small and flexible ring is placed inside of the vagina and prevents pregnancy by releasing certain hormones into the body that prevents the sperm from fertilizing the egg
- 91-99% effective
- The birth control patch placed on either belly, upper outer arm, buttocks, or upper body and releases estrogen and progestin through the skin
- It must be changed every 7 days
- +99% effective
- Like the patch, the birth control pill contains estrogen and progestin, hormones that prevent ovulation
- Must be taken daily
- 91-99% effective
Benefits of Pandia Health
- Founded and led by women
- All of Pandia Health’s online doctors are experts in birth control and women’s health
- Pandia Health follow adhere to HIPAA laws and keep their patient’s health information safe
- Pandia Health delivers almost all of the brands that offer the birth control pill, patch, or ring
- Pandia Health almost all medical insurances
What do we think about Pandia Health
Pandia Health is offering a vital service. The consequence of missing a single day of birth control can have far more serious effects than missing virtually almost any other type of medication. The fact that this is done by professionals in a discreet and convenient manner, for such a low price only makes this women’s reproductive health platform even more impressive and commendable.