Breethe Review

Why We Like Them
Breethe is a meditation app designed to improve your mindfulness and a day and night inner wellness partner for your anxiety, stress and sleep. Breethe helps its users by providing a learn to meditate program to get you started. The app emphasizes short meditations that claim to make you calm and improve your sleep.
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App Overview Breethe
Back in 2017 Lynne Goldberg, a certified meditation coach and founder of a popular app OMG. I Can Meditate! announced the launch of next-generation app Breethe. Breethe was founded by Lynne to help people enjoy a lifestyle of calm and balance. Breethe help people with making meditation as part of their daily life by emphasizing on short 5 minutes meditation sessions.
Lynne Goldberg, once herself has dealt with some difficult times in her life. With multiple deaths in her family and loss of career, meditation became her life support and transformed her life. Having seen a positive outcome in her own life she has this feeling to share her experience and a path to a happy life with the rest of the world. Hence, ever since then she is spreading the practice of mediation app and mindfulness whenever she can.
Breethe is an app that is a part of your day from the moment you wake up in the morning and till the time you go back to bed by providing guidance and support throughout. The app is equipped with the tools for guided meditation for real-life scenarios, personalized recommendations, and more. If you are a beginner, then you can start with their “learn to meditate” program as a guide to starting your journey.
The Best Way to Get Started with Breethe
Once you download and open the Breethe app from your app store, it will ask you to choose the topics you want help with. Breethe provides many options for you to choose from like learn how to meditate program specially designed for beginners, get more sleep, experience better performance at work, stress, and anxiety, losing weight and more.
When you start at first with Breethe app the app doesn’t ask you to purchase the paid version at the very first encounter. They provide you with a 14 days free trial post which you will be automatically signed up for the paid version. If you do not wish to go ahead and sign up for the paid version, then you can opt-out of it beforehand. You will still have access to 90 free meditation that comes with the trial version and this limited version will never expire.
After you sign up for the paid version, the app will ask you to create an account with a username and password. You can explore and choose from hundreds of meditations available for you. Each meditation is assigned to a suitable category so that is easy for you to find what you are looking for. Some of the categories are “learn to meditate”, “kids and family”, “anytime anywhere”, life situation”, “themed weeks and more”. Most of the meditations range between 4 to 20 minutes of time duration.
If you have a busy life or you are dealing with stress and anxiety, it can contribute to loss of sleep. Breethe has dedicated an entire section to help you with a good night's sleep. The app provides a wide variety of sleep sounds and relaxing melodies like music playlists, nature sounds, guided meditations tracks, bedtime stories, and more to help you get the restful sleep you need.
Overview of Breethe Content
Breethe’s courses are created specifically for you to deal with life’s challenges with a series of guided meditation, inspirational talks, and masterclasses from mindfulness coach Lynne Goldberg & New York Times best-selling personal growth experts. Some of the main courses available for you to access are:
Learn to Meditate
This program is specially designed for people who are new to meditation. When you start with Breethe, the app recommends you to start with a 12-week daily program to lay a foundation and progressively bring more calm and clarity into your life. Each session takes 20 minutes of your daily time.
Relaxation Music and Sleep Sounds
Breethe provides melodies and music that is carefully selected to help you focus more during your meditation. The selected nature melodies to help you relax, meditate, focus & even help you to have a sound sleep.
Calm Music Playlists
Each day is not the same, we even have various moods during different parts of the day. The has a music playlist for various moods and occasions that offers you the ability to create your own playlists.
Bedtime Stories and Sleep Meditations
To help you fight the loss of sleep the app has bedtime stories and sleep meditations narrated to lull even the most hardcore insomniacs into a night of deep sleep.
Bedtime Visualizations
Bedtime Visualizations and guided imagery are available to absorb healing and positive messages while falling asleep.
Guided Meditations
The app has hundreds of series of guided meditations for whatever you’re dealing with in your life and to get you into a calm headspace.
Alarm clock & morning meditations to start your day on the right foot.
Hypnotherapy Sessions
For those who still have trouble sleeping after meditation sessions and sleep music, those users can also take the help of Hypnotherapy Sessions in the app to tackle life’s challenges and to fall asleep easily.
Breathing Exercises
Breathing exercises like deep breathing claims to have a positive impact on your mind and body. Breathing is also used during meditation to prepare the mind before meditation and to come back to the present state after a deep meditation. To make you well versed in these breathing techniques, there are various breathing exercises and calming videos available on Breethe app that you can use to learn how to breathe deeper and calm down in a few minutes.
Features of Free App Vs Features of Premium App- Breethe
The Free Version
Breethe is a free app unless you want to access all its content. Breethe allows you to take a 14 days free trial before you go and purchase their paid subscription. In the trial or free version, the app asks for your selections for the free meditations courses available for you to access. If you wish to not go for their subscription after 14 days, you can still access their 90 free meditations available on their free version - which will never expire for you.
The Premium Version
With the premium version to Breethe you can access all the content available in the app. You can have inspirational talks and masterclasses from mindfulness coach Lynne Goldberg & personal growth experts. You can also have full access to all the courses available on the app like guided meditation, relationship harmony, meditation for insomnia meditation for success, and many more.
To access all the content available on Breethe app, you will have to sign up for a subscription. After the free trial version is expired in 14 days, you will be subscribed to the paid version automatically. The subscription as follows:
- You can choose to take a monthly subscription of the app for $13 per month.
- For those of you are looking for a long-term commitment with the app can also go for a yearly subscription. A yearly subscription is available for $89 a year and if you look at its per month cost it will be much more affordable at $7.42 than the per month subscription.
- Similarly, you can also sign up for a two-year subscription for $142 ($5.92 per month).
What do we think about Breethe?
Meditation and mindfulness have many benefits in our life, and it is always good to make meditation a daily practice in your life. We think that Breethe is a good option for those who are just starting with meditation. Sometimes it can get boring for beginners to sit for hours quietly to meditate and therefore it’s easy to lose interest in the initial days. Some of the meditation sessions in the app are as short as 4 minutes so that you can get used to the process. Breethe has a course specially designed for beginners as well.
Breethe also offers a wide variety of different courses to choose from, this help to select what’s best for you. Also, the free version of the app offers a good number of free meditation courses for those who do not want to invest in the program yet. It’s not just you, some of the courses at Breethe are also designed for kids, and considering the wide range of different meditation categories available in the app many family members can benefit from using the same platform and can have similar experiences. So, if you are looking for a family meditation app then we will say try Breethe.